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[Guide][Bypass]L2.net for Dex - Arion [IG/OGG]


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use v383!


Also, to avoid getting banned for having an illegal program open, you can actually install the filter, then close manager.exe and the filter will still apply.

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plastering this all over the place will only bring securities that can't be avoided.



now obviously this is the botting forum and what I said holds true for every server, but dex is among the last servers using their own security

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I dont have any images.


and he did give credits, btw, if you wish to make an OOG client, simply use the close client feature.

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I dont have any images.


and he did give credits, btw, if you wish to make an OOG client, simply use the close client feature.

oog client isnt safe,is it?

i mean somehow it can be detectable(different packets or smth like that)?

im "afraid" of ban by GM due to using bot program,but players wont report since 99% thinks boats dont workin outta there.

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Dex bans people for no reason 90% of the time, some people in our forums got banned for having the same name in game.... and "banned by antibot" yea... OOOOK!


anyways, if you have more then 1 ip in game, then sure... you could get banned, if they use HWID to ban you, sure that could also work.

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l2 dex sucks... our whole party got banned for "using bots" which we didnt use! When we asked what is that all about they sent us a video with some lvl 20 chars botting under cruma tower using same IPs as we had. We all had lvl 65+ chars why the f**k would we bot lvl 20 chars? Anyways DEX admins are the most ignorant owners i've ever seen, they just dont care about any of u, thats why they ban for no reason all the time.

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