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[Share]HLDS Connected to Irc Amx Plugin


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See This Live on GameSurge in #Gatheone hosted by me.




Step 1: Download the .amxx file (Named irc.amxx)


Step 2: Add the plugin to your /addons/amxmodx/plugins folder and to your plugins.ini in /addons/amxmodx/configs folder.


Step 3: Configure your IRC bot by putting these cvars (Look below this) in your amxx.cfg



REQUIRED CVARS - These must be set (in amxx.cfg or server.cfg)


irc_server "irc_network_address" - The IRC server's address to connect to (For example; "irc.gamesurge.net")

irc_port "port_here" - The irc server's port (normally 6667)

irc_nick "your_bot_nick_here" The nickname the bot will use on IRC (For example; "ServerBot")

irc_username "bot_username_here" - Name that shows when someone /whois or ucentral's you

irc_channel "#your_chan_here" - Channel to join

irc_msg_usecolors (default 1; 0|1) - Makes messges from HLDS in IRC colored based on team. If you're channel restricts colors, set this to 0. If you don't run CS, set this to 0.



OPTIONAL CVARS - You may want to set these


irc_identify (default 0; 0|1) - If you have a nickserv/auth account, set this to "1"

irc_ident (default "") - If you have a nickserv/auth account set this to "authserv auth [account] [password]"

irc_map_change (default 1; 0|1) - Display Server name, ip, map and players connected on map change and server start.

irc_show_joins (default 1; 0|1) - Show a message when someone joins the server

irc_to_hlds_say_auto (default 1; 0|1) - Automatically transfer messages from IRC to HLDS

irc_from_hlds_say_auto (default 1; 0|1) - Automatically transfer messages from HLDS to IRC

irc_to_hlds_say_activator (default "!hlds") - If irc_to_hlds_say_auto is disabled (set to 0) then only messages which contain what this cvar is set to will be sent to HLDS from IRC.

irc_from_hlds_say_activator (default "!irc") - If irc_from_hlds_say_auto is disabled (set to 0) then only messages which contain what this cvar is set to will be sent from HLDS to IRC.

irc_msg_srvjoin (default "$name ($steamid) has joined the server") - Set the message that will be displayed in IRC when a player joins the server. Set to "" to disable.

irc_msg_srvpart (default "$name ($steamid) has left the server") - Set the message that will be displayed in IRC when a player leaves the server. Set to "" to disable.

irc_msg_startup (default "$servername - $ip Current Map: $map $curplayers / $maxplayers players") - Set the message that will be displayed in IRC when the server starts up or changes map. Set to "" to disable.


Variables you can use for irc_msg_serv(join/part)

$name - Person's name

$steamid - Person's steamid

$team - Person's team

$teamn - Person's team number

$connected - How long they have been connected

$access - Persons access


Variables you can use for irc_msg_startup

$servername - Name of the server

$ip - IP of the server

$map - Name of the current map

$curplayers - Current number of players on the server

$maxplayers - Maximum players allowed on server






In-game Commands:

irc connect - Connect to irc

irc disconnect - Disc from irc

irc say - Send message to irc

irc help - Get help


IRC Commands:


In Channel:

-@cmds/@commands/@info/@help - Displays a list of commands usable in channel.

-@players - Lists the players currently in the server.

-@map - Display the current map.

-@nextmap - Display the next map in the map cycle.

-@timeleft - Display the time left on the current map.

-@ip - Display the IP of the server.

-@status - Display the same information contained in the start up message.

Admins can use any commands available to them as if they were in the server. (e.g. If an admin has ADMIN_BAN access, they could do @amx_ban player in channel and it will ban player from the server.)


Commands That You PM To The Bot

-cmds/commands/info/help - Displays a list of commands usable in channel.

-players - Lists the players currently in the server.

-map - Display the current map.

-nextmap - Display the next map in the map cycle.

-timeleft - Display the time left on the current map.

-ip - Display the IP of the server.

-status - Display the same information contained in the start up message.

-login <username> <password> - Log in to the bot so you can use admin commands.

-logout - Log out from the bot.

Admins can use any commands available to them as if they were in the server. (e.g. If an admin has ADMIN_BAN access, they could PM amx_ban player to the bot and it will ban player from the server.)







Edit your ircadmins.ini (It will be created in /addons/amxmodx/configs after the first time you run the plugin. If you don't see it, make sure the plugin is properly installed and then restart or change map on the server, then check again.)


Make sure to put it in this format:

"username" "password" "flags" "unique id"


Flags should be the same as users.ini or your amxbans admins config

Unique ID is an arbitrary number (it can be anything you want), just make sure that no two admins have the same ID.


Download Plugin

Download Source


I want also to thanks some of my friends for some of the coding who arent members here but anyway.

Worked on it for 1 week.

I was selling it but i decided to share it here for ya!

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    • From my personal experiences 🙂   Few months ago I decided to create my own Essence project. Project needs website, and I do not specialize in frontend development (t.y. i can make web work, but it won't be pretty for eye). So I search and find a guy in Discord, which claims he can make me a good looking HTML website for 30 EUR, prove some screenshots from his previous work. I agree. 1 week later, I get my HTML website, make few changes to contents, update URLs and upload it to FTP. Site looks good, I am happy that this headache is no more.   Few months passes. I randomly crawl through other Essence server websites scouting for good ideas for my own project. Suddenly one of russians project website opens and.. it's the same website as one I have 😉 perfectly absolutely same layout, colours, etc etc etc. I contact my guy to ask what the hell, to get blocked 😉  So I find a weekend worth of my time. Find HTML5 boilerplate generator and ask it to include Bootstrap 5 and some other stuff. Open Bootstrap documentation, drink two energy drinks on instant and start working my backend-inspired HTML black magic... Once I found suiting firefly effect for header, result looked oikay for me: Absolutely no magic or beauty here, but: * Unique (and probably nobody cares to rip it) * Done for free in ~10 hours by non-frontend dev * Most modern browsers friendly * Completely static content, loads instantly. No PHP at all * Sidebar statuses (online, pvp, pk) are pulled from account manager REST API endpoint and is cached for 5 minutes. Account manager runs separately from website frontend and has access to server DB. Where could/will it get better? * Code in Vue instead of HTML - time concerns only, but Vue is superior compared to HTML/PHP for supporting desktop/mobile, easing development by miles. Need to learn how to use it properly. * Way to manage content from backend - in my instance I think account manager is not really meant for that. Vue can help here too - there are components for content building. * Currently default Bootstrap components are used. Would be nice to have custom and more vibrant buttons. Guess what, Vue can help here too.   tl;dr don't buy 30EUR website, it will be ripped or shit. you better make your own website. Be curious. I am backend developer, I obviously have general idea how frontend works. But imho everyone who can make L2 server by editing NPC HTMLs, also can make their own simple website. ChatGPT and other AIs are your friends. Bootstrap. jQuery documentations are your friends. And when you feel good and comfortable with HTML, if you like, you can continue learning Vue, or going backend. Now, as for the top sites. You really need to invest money to make new project work. I mean really, really much money. For this concept to work, top website itself must get visited. But if you can sort that your top site would be popular amongst players, then it's a really very simple concept, as far as current 2004-ish sites goes. I think simple, working concept of this, maybe without proper frontend, but with implemented backend logics (add/edit/disable server, sort by votes count (top list), vote for server with verification, callback to server endpoint - all of that can be done using Symfony in mostly 5 days, with lots of breaks for coffee and a smoke 😉. Experienced mid frontend dev would make a Vue/React frontend for it in another 5 days. it's really really simple concept 🙂  
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    • i've copyed the files from a server that has it , like all except system folder to another that didn't had the feature and it worked but i can't find any file to resemble save acc or something
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