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Sell on Epilogue



perasa ena npc mou.. gmshop ..sto pack p trexw ayto ton kairo (epilogue) apo to palio m  final...


kai enw ola leitourgoun kanonika otan pataw to sell button...then ginete tpt kai sto panel m emfanizei : uknown -sell bepass...


pws prepei na grapse to button tou sell etsi wste na perasei ???



3 answers to this question

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pali esy file mou? :) eyxaristw gia to help sou...


to perasa manual sth navicat....


k ayto einai h entolh mes sto html tou npc...

<button value="Sell Items" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Sell" width=120 height=25 back="L2UI_ct1.button_df" fore="L2UI_ct1.button_df">


logika  to objectId%_Sell ston epilogue prepei na exei allaksei..gti proseksa oti k ta alla default npc then exoun poia ton oro..sell ..


pws mporei loipon to npc mou na exei sell ws button??


euxaristw k pali..


EDIT: na pw oti ta multisell tou k ta loipa leitourgoun kanonika..


Akomh Psaxnw Telika!!! poios mporei na help..@?


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Lpn ok thn vrhka thn lysh...


Lock the topic...


Kai an exei kaneis allos thn idia erwthsh...


einai aplo...


1on..ftiaxnoume ena new npc sto merchant_shopids (navicat)

2on..ftiaxnoume ena new buylist sto merchant_buylists (navicat)

(ennoeite same ids k ta dyo)


pame sto html tou npc mas p thelei na exei to sell k grafoume:

bypass -h npc_%objectId%_buy (kai edw to id tou shop mas)

san action...


kleinoume save...kai ok...



Lock the topic...ty all

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