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lol i had again -1 karma with no reason? damn... anyway

i didnt said they are made by me, i gave the right credits.

here is mxCHEATERS so yes i guess here i can "steal" :)) . anyway in time that more ppl doit i dont find any reason to stop me, in this time some ppl steal from me too so ?

and i dont use this websites for me :) i share them to take who want and use them with their own responsibility.

and again, were did i said im pro ? i make this to help newbies as im, and as much i was at the begin.

and btw, i encourage ppl to use this websites i share only as a skeleton / base to be able make their own website . to modify as much as they can asume credits on them.

ill try to share only websites that are easy to edit, or with few edits u can make it great.


anyway bye , cuz ill not argue with u anymore. ill not make post count with explanations why i do that and that. u can say w/e u wish cuz i realy dont care about ur opinions. and as far as i know i respect this forum rules so .... stop eating ....

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