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How to Create, Compile, and Execute a PDFOne Java Program


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How to Create, Compile, and Execute a PDFOne Java Program

Baby steps to PDFOne Java nirvana.

By L. Santhanam


Quite a few of our users are new to the Java platform. So, we decided to put together a set of tutorials. This is one of them.

Creating a PDFOne Java Program


Create a plain text file named "CreatePDF.java" with the following code.


import com.gnostice.pdfone.PdfDocument;

import com.gnostice.pdfone.PdfWriter;


public class CreatePDF


public static void main(String[] args)




    PdfWriter w

      = PdfWriter.fileWriter("SamplePDF.pdf");

    PdfDocument d = new PdfDocument(w);


    d.writeText("Gnostice PDFOne Java", 10, 10);







    "SamplePDF.pdf has been created successfully");


  catch(Exception ex)


    System.out.println("Could not create PDF");






Compiling a PDFOne Java Program


Open Command Prompt and change to the folder where "CreatePDF.java" is saved. Compile the "CreatePDF.java" using the javac Java compiler command.


javac -cp "C:\Program Files\Gnostice\PDFOneJava\bin\PDFOne.jar;." CreatePDF.java


The location of the PDFOne JAR file "PDFOne.jar" is provided by cp parameter. This command assumes that the "PDFOne.jar" is available in the directory C:\Program Files\Gnostice\PDFOneJava\bin\. "PDFOne.jar" and other files including samples and documentation are available in the Gnostice PDFOne Java download file.


The Java compiler command creates a "CreatePDF.class" file in the current directory.

Executing a PDFOne Java Program


To run the "CreatePDF.class" file with the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), use the java Java interpreter command.


java -cp "C:\GnosticePDFOneJava\bin\PDFOne.jar;." CreatePDF


Troubleshooting a PDFOne Java Program


If you get an OutofMemoryException error while executing a PDFOne Java program, then increase the minimum and maximum heap size when you launch the program.


java -Xms32m -Xmx128m -cp "C:\GnosticePDFOneJava\bin\PDFOne.jar;." CreatePDF



download PDFOne Java Free 3.2 here:  http://www.brothersoft.com/pdfone-java-free-169511.html

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Don't expect karma from shares like these ones for 2 reasons


1) No one knows , not even you, what PDFONE is. [prolly]

2) This guide is not complete.


Stop c/ping , it's useless.

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yeah ofc PDFOne provides a rich set of APIs to create, edit, view, print, merge, split, reorganize, encrypt, decrypt, bookmark, annotate, watermark and stamp PDF documents.PDFOne can also create, edit, fill, and flatten PDF forms

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