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[Discuss] To be, or not to be?


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Do you really consider yourself as someone with zero education?


I don't think that he wants to say that. There are many different types of education. There's the education we recieve at school, the basic education as we call it, there's the philosophical education and so on. You need to have deep thoughts, great experiences and proper ambitions to be able to answer Shakespeare's questions, and I think there are no people in this topic with THIS type of "education" :)

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Why everyday must someone die?


Because then nobody would survive.

Why do you think that many people die daily, in countries in Africa, for example?

Imagine an earth where nobody dies. How would we be able to survive?

People must die, in order to rest in heavenly peace, and new people must come (babies).

That's the circle of life, and it is normal :)


Why the rich guys become richer and the poor guys become poorer?


Money makes the world go round.

Unfortunately, everybody cares ONLY for money.

They believe that they can get anything they want with it.

Although, I still have some hope..

Try to spend your holidays in a Greek village (I'm talking about Greece, since you are a Greek)

People will welcome you, and help you with everything you need.


Why the bad things are more than the good in our life? (like i said before)


Depends on how you face them.

For example, if one of your beloved relatives dies, because of a disease then it is normal to cry.

You must feel happy as well, though, since you know that he will now rest for ever, without having any problems, or feeling pain.



And i will say one last thing, if god exists then why he dont help us?. I have heard something

from a person , he said "God, why you dont help me with my cancer disease?" He was a good guy, but he had

cancer, well dunno what to say ... There are many questions that i cant find the answers :/


I'd like to avoid religious discussions.

The reason is obvious.

Although I can answer you at this :)




I think there are no people in this topic with THIS type of "education" :)

Anyway,your question will never have a full reasonable answer which positive or negative.It will always be quite neutral!


You haven't understood the meaning of the topic though!

I just want to hear your opinions.

I am more than sure that nobody will answer the question.


In my opinion though, this question can be answered easily:

It's based on your own feelings and opinions =]

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Well the answer to your question Coyote is connected to human selfishness

A happy person with reachable dreams will answer that life is a gift, a miracle and it's worth to live and enjoy every moment of it , no matter what.

An unhappy person will say that the negative things in this world are more than the positive, way more, and trying to survive in this river that passes through a thousand rocks is not worth it.


I'm neutral. My life is not perfect but it doesn't mean I'm not gratefull for the things I already have. Besides, if something is wrong, you can always try hard and correct it.

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Well, if you mean everything that u just wrote to me, then i can easily

understand that u are a "strong" guy and you have achieve some of your goals in your life.

Unfortunately, i dont know what i must achieve in my life, i dont have goals for my future, i just

live my life and i care only for the moment,i dont mind what the other day will happend.


PS: I am not emo or whatever else, i am just myself!




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Unfortunately, i dont know what i must achieve in my life, i dont have goals for my future, i just

live my life and i care only for the moment,i dont mind what the other day will happend.


That's bad.

You should always think of the consequences.

For example, you may rob a bank, get lots of money and live a good life.

What will happen when they find out who was the once that commited the crime?

You'll go to jail forever.


So, even if my opinion is useless (I am just a random guy you don't even know), I hope that you will hear my advice:

Pay attention at school (I'm not talking about living to study), respect your family, respect your true friends and be a good person.

If you try, I am sure that, once you grow up, you will finally understand what I am talking about (even if you fail).

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I don't think that he wants to say that. There are many different types of education. There's the education we recieve at school, the basic education as we call it, there's the philosophical education and so on. You need to have deep thoughts, great experiences and proper ambitions to be able to answer Shakespeare's questions, and I think there are no people in this topic with THIS type of "education" :)

:D :D

That's what i meant :P

Now in terms of thou beest nor thou wert  :D just thou knowest,shalt let you enjoy that while it alters 'n wilt encroach its first purpose.


P.S:just for the record imm'a embrace C.Gilbert Keith's interpretation :)


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I still need the line in other languages :D

GrisoM can give me an Argentinian and DreaM a bulgarian..


Till then, I wanna hear you!

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That's bad.

You should always think of the consequences.

For example, you may rob a bank, get lots of money and live a good life.

What will happen when they find out who was the once that commited the crime?

You'll go to jail forever.



My point is that, you must live every min of your life as better as you can like it was

your last.I am doing crazy things but i dont care for what will happend next, and the results

from my actions was never bad so the only thing that i can say for this is that i have the luck from my side.



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My point is that, you must live every min of your life as better as you can like it was

your last.I am doing crazy things but i dont care for what will happend next, and the results

from my actions was never bad so the only thing that i can say for this is that i have the luck from my side.




It's not luck.

You are just not doing insane things like murdering, or not giving a shit about your job..


BTW GrisoM at msn, time to learn the Argentinian version :D

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In fact, none knows how is the feeling when u are dead.


But life have quite good experiences even if economy or life is shit, so why not to live? D:

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