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[Discuss] To be, or not to be?


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To be or not to be – that is the question!


Well, I just remembered William Shakespeare's Hamlet, and this idea came up to my mind.

The idea of the topic xD


Well, yes, I know, it is a loltopic, but I am quite serious.

So let's discuss! I wanna hear the following:


- Since mxc has many members from different countries, and since everybody knows this monologue, can you write this first line in your language? (Please no google translators, only if you really know it).

- I'll make the same question to you. To be, or not to be? Answer me with your opinions, and don't forget the REASONS!



To be or not to be - that is the question: Translations!


English: To be or not to be - that is the question.

Greek: Να ζει κανείς ή να μη ζει - ιδού η απορία.

Castellano: Ser o no ser - esa es la pregunta.

Norwegian: A vaere eller ikke vaere.

Serbian: Da zivi neko ili ne - to je pitanje.

Bulgarian: Да бъдеш или да не бъдеш това е въпроса.

Brazilian: Ser ou não ser - eis a questão.

Romanian: A fi sau a nu fi.

Albanian: Të jesh apo të mos jesh.




PS: If you are not interested to have fun with this discussion, please leave the topic immediately.

PS2: Write opinions/reasons in english. Only the monologue in your language.


Greek and English have been given.

Waiting for more!

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Well, give me reasons then >_>


If you think that I wanna just make useless and senseless threads, then you're wrong.


I wanna discuss it with you!

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The bad things which happend to our life are more than the good

so not to be ;p


emo style , but it's the reality.




So you believe that your life has no sense, since bad things happen?

Well, in my opinion that's quite normal.

Life may not have given you wealth or fame, although you can fight for it and, one day, achieve your goal!

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reason? =p

I was waiting for a "on what?" reply!

Anyway,I love my life but all of us have some bad moments.

If only I could change some things it would perfect.But nothing reaches perfection,right?

These days I had many argues with my family and best friends.

I realized that some of them don't worth a shit.

So do you know what worths dying for when it's not worth fighting for?

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Even insane people,well known for their ability to explain and interpret the after-Renaissance and extremely bizzare english poetry like Oscar Wilde were quite unable and got completely lockdowned when they gave a shot on Shakespeare's poems.Do you think a bunch of <<uneducated>> people(including me ofcourse) and totally irrelevant of literature-espesially the British one-,which is considered as one among the most recondite of it's type, could give a proper answer?

I ain't think so -.-" lol

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Even insane people,well known for their ability to explain and interpret the after-Renaissance and extremely bizzare english poetry like Oscar Wilde were quite unable and got completely lockdowned when they gave a shot on Shakespeare's poems.Do you think a bunch of <<uneducated>> people(including me ofcourse) and totally irrelevant of literature-espesially the British one-,which is considered as one among the most recondite of it's type, could give a proper answer?

I ain't think so -.-" lol

Do you really consider yourself as someone with zero education?

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I was waiting for a "on what?" reply!

Anyway,I love my life but all of us have some bad moments.

If only I could change some things it would perfect.But nothing reaches perfection,right?

These days I had many argues with my family and best friends.

I realized that some of them don't worth a shit.

So do you know what worths dying for when it's not worth fighting for?


Family arguments are normal, espcially at puberty, or generally, the age that we grow up.

About friends, you must know that you will always find out that you have made wrong choises.

Trust me though, you will find real ones, and I suppose that you can recognize them.

Friendships like ":O you helped me with this, I love you" are not real ones.


By the way, why nobody posts the first line of the monologue, in other languages? :(

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Do you think a bunch of <<uneducated>> people(including me ofcourse) and totally irrelevant of literature-espesially the British one-,which is considered as one among the most recondite of it's type, could give a proper answer?

I ain't think so -.-" lol


Well, everybody has an opinion (even my 6 y/o cousin).

I am not asking you to give an answer, I just want to hear your opinions about this epic monologue :)


i'll Answer using the words of Roberto Begnini:


La vita è bella!


True, life is a real gift.

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So you believe that your life has no sense, since bad things happen?

Well, in my opinion that's quite normal.

Life may not have given you wealth or fame, although you can fight for it and, one day, achieve your goal!


Nah, i dont talk about myself, but take a look around.

Why everyday must someone die? Why the rich guys become richer and the poor guys become poorer?

Why the bad things are more than the good in our life? (like i said before)


And i will say one last thing, if god exists then why he dont help us?. I have heard something

from a person , he said "God, why you dont help me with my cancer disease?" He was a good guy, but he had

cancer, well dunno what to say ... There are many questions that i cant find the answers :/

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Family arguments are normal, espcially at puberty, or generally, the age that we grow up.

About friends, you must know that you will always find out that you have made wrong choises.

Trust me though, you will find real ones, and I suppose that you can recognize them.

Friendships like ":O you helped me with this, I love you" are not real ones.


By the way, why nobody posts the first line of the monologue, in other languages? :(

True.I know that's normal but there are times I wish to be dead.And no,I ain't an emo crier.

I am just times wondering why life must be so hard!My self-answer was "It makes you stronger that way"!But still,when I remember the moments I had with a friend of mine that's not with me anymore(Not a friendship,not an argument)I really wonder why,and once again the same answer.

Anyway,your question will never have a full reasonable answer which positive or negative.It will always be quite neutral!

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