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aftes tis meres energopiithike i grami mou stin cyta kai exo ena problima exo site me diskw kai molis bazo to no-ip tou site me bazi sto rooter kai oxi sto site pos alazo sto no-ip site tin port 80 na tin kano 90 giati opos ipa i 80 ine tou rooter

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den katalabenis mou fenete oti alaksa eteria kai xrisimopioun thn port 80 gia to rooter kai thelo na kano na blepi to diskw me port 90 kseris pos?tha kano me th 90 na dexete to site diskw


Den ginetai na xrhsimopoihseis tin port 90 gia na ftiaxeis site.


Oi ports pou boreis na ftiaxeis ena site einai :


20/tcp FTP The file transfer protocol - data 
21/tcp FTP The file transfer protocol - control 
22/tcp SSH Secure logins, file transfers (scp, sftp) and port forwarding 
23/tcp Telnet non secure text communications 
25/tcp SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (E-mail) 
53/tcp DNS Domain Name Server 
53/udp DNS
80/tcp HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol (WWW) 
110/tcp POP3 Post Office Protocol (E-mail) 
143/tcp IMAP4 Internet Message Access Protocol (E-mail) 
443/tcp HTTPS used for securely transferring web pages 
995/tcp POP3 Post Office Protocol (E-mail) over SSL
3306/tcp MySQL Database system
8080/tcp HTTP Alternate (http-alt) or WWW caching service (web cache).

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tpt ksana sto rooter beni edit egine nase kala megale


Efoson to problima sou lithike , request gia lock.


NOTE : Ta diskw sites hackaronte eukola . Blakeia sou pou den me akouses.


Xilies fores na xrhsimopoihseis ena ftp client para diskw.

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