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[Gracia Final L2-OFF] L2Crossfire


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L2 Crossfire Guide

Gracia Final X5000 rates Server

Player regarding:


When you log in our server, you will notice that starter areas have newbie exp mobs, especially designed so you can easily level up to 76-78 level just on them. (Notice that grade penalty is not applied so whatever your level the use of any grade equipment is possible.)

L2 crossfire has pro npcs;

# An exceptional buffer, with every possible buff on it (except some special or high-level(80+) buffs, like Dance of Berserker or Dwarf buffs)

# Excellent gatekeeper, easy to use and with many ports available.

# And ofcourse Shops offering you anything you can imagine and even more.


So when you are at an adequate level, with 3rd class change, buffed and equiped it's suggested that you teleport to Varka or Ketra areas in order to level up until level 85. I guess what you are saying now: "What the -beep- leveling to 85 at vatra or ketra? Is he nuts? It will take years.." But Varka/Ketra mobs are modified, so they can be a good adena farming and exp area. (mobs are high level, but difficulty on killing them remains the same) After this, you can gather a party or start solo farming in order to obtain enough L2 Crossfire currency to upgrade your equipment. Meanwhile PvPing still remains priority number 1! Top equipment is optional for fun pals!


Server regarding:


There are 2 farming areas, probably places you 've never seen before; as we said l2 crossfire has nothing to do with the usual server you 've been playing!

Soon, class balance is going to finish (still under course). This means, that even useless class at high rate servers, like Fortune Seeker will be worth using!

An other huge change is done at the skills; no mp is required (except few skills like heal) nor items such as spirit ores (runestones).

It is possible to sub in any class; no more stupid restrictions like elf-dark elf or overlord/warsmith subs. The only rule on adding sub is that no race can sub to a kamael and vice versa for client reasons ( equipment is not displayed properly).

There is an auto TvT system. I strongly recommend to participate-rewards are worth the time and after all it's a PvP server, right?

And many many other changes left for you to discover!



P.S.: Gather your friends and try the high level raid bosses. Trust me!







Server running on


# 1000 Mbit uplink

# CPU Xeon Quadcore @ 2,13 GHz

# 6 GB DD3 RAM

# 2x 500 GB SATA II HDDs, 7.2k rpm

# Hardware Raid and Software Raid

# OS: Windows Server 2008 Pro





customized stas on vesper and dynadty

all skills almost work and Castiel (admin) works hard to balance classes (will be ready at January 5th)




hope to see u ig



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Soon, class balance is going to finish (still under course). This means, that even useless class at high rate servers, like Fortune Seeker will be worth using!



so.. duelist is or will be playeable ? i mean, on all high rate server with full buff, this clase is a joke, because yours skill never crit on pvp 

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so.. duelist is or will be playeable ? i mean, on all high rate server with full buff, this clase is a joke, because yours skill never crit on pvp 


it worths plzy glady and with the balance that admin is accomplishing glady will have more fun

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