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mana drug & mana potion ID

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Could someone from a server with mana drugs and potions tell me their IDs in skilgrp.dat and skillname-e.dat?


Do it like this:


Mana drug:

skillgrp.dat XXX

skillname-e.dat XXX

Mana potion:

skillgrp.dat XXX

skillname-e.dat XXX

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I see you are probably too lazy to check, so just tell me the home adress of a private server where you are playing, that has mana drugs and mana potions, so I can donwload the servers patch and get the info I need.


P.S. Sorry, for double-posting

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No double-triple posting, next time modify your post. And we are not obliged to give you anything you want, who are you? The king of MaxCheaters?

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You could've just grabbed your dat files and (in my own old way) decrypt them using l2encdec then decrypt again using L2DatFull, it would show you a plain text file. Not all IDs are the same everywhere, you know... example: treasure chests where I play in is different in other servers I've seen. So you better do it yourself instead of asking... if it worked for you, great then, lucky you :P

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Of course the chances of IDs being the same in servers are slim, but it's still better than nothing. I googled it for some time and accidentaly found some patch in a russian site (I know nothing about the Russian language so it might aswell been Chinese). I found a skillgrp.dat. In the textures part of the skillgrp.dat i found icon.etc_potion_blue_i00 and decided that this must be the potion I was looking for. Then i found all the IDs with such a texture and compared with my servers skillname-e.dat. I found many matching IDs, but then one ID didn't have a match. It was 10001 and voilia! It was the one i needed. I copied the whole string with the ID and textures from skillgrp.dat and added it to my servers skillgrp :P This may be confusing, but that's how I did it


P.S. This probably was the post where I got -1 karma, cause I was acting like a jackass ><

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