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[Guide]L2CrestMaker-Create your own crests from images !

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Well, with this software you can make your own crest from any GIF, JPG or BMP images. The program auto adjust the needed size and colors, so any image created with this program is ready for use as ally / clan crests.




You must explore your drives and select images. When you have a image selected, the programs does preview imaes for ally + clan crest or for clan crest only.


If you save the ally + clan crest, the programa make two images in your selected folder. Both images are named "ally.bmp" and "crest.bmp". Use these images for settings your crests.


I recommend save all images in your SYSTEM folder ( of the game, of course ). Then, load the game, and when you set images, you only need write filenames.


Please post any problems, and sorry for my english.


DOWNLOAD: http://wansoft.org/L2CrestMaker.rar




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