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[Request] Server like L2Archon!


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I Think the old players of this server they want to play at a server similar with him!If u dont remebrer the server's informations are : Safe+12 ( +12 with blessed scroll which the one Bews gives +3 to weapon)

after that u farm medals and pagrios to buy scroll witch go ur weapon +29 Or +50!

Armors safe +12 with crystal scroll go +16 and with scroll of +50(For weapon) u can enchant ur armor and it will be +29!

Rb jewels only from Rb!





Safe +12 max +50!If anyone can create server with this futures pm me!! :D


P.S Sry for my bad english!!! :(

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I WOuld like to play this kind of server,but l2 archon got custom armor/weapon?anyway if 1 of our guys will make a server like this,will rock and i'll join^^(i am a newbie dev..i started 2 months ago and anyway i got parents with me so i cant host a server..for now:P)

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