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Size: 330x115

Theme: Whatever you want!

Render: Whatever you want!

Text: GodPower


Size: 135x135

Theme: Whatever you want!

Render: Whatever you want!

Text: GodPower


Guys We Start Today 22-11-2009 <-- My Birthday ;D Until 7-12-2009

Please Make Sig And Avatar For Me Im Se Newbie :'(

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Size: 330x115

Theme: Whatever you want!

Render: Whatever you want!

Text: GodPower


Size: 135x135

Theme: Whatever you want!

Render: Whatever you want!

Text: GodPower





Guys We Start Today 22-11-2009 <-- My Birthday ;D Until 7-12-2009

Please Make Sig And Avatar For Me Im Se Newbie :'(



dude you cant request a sig by giving a karma only a mod can do that...read the rulles^^

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dude you cant request a sig by giving a karma only a mod can do that...read the rulles^^


Gold members are considered as staff members -i think-

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Gold members are considered as staff members -i think-


`GodPower^ isn't a gold member ^^


godpower isnt a staff member rofl lmao..


I facking loled


I Dont See Any Rule To Tell That :/


Learn to read then:


  • Only Staff Members Can Create Threads With Any (forum) Reward Using Tag [Competition]  OR  [Comp] For Shortcut

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GrisoM edit it;

Only Staff Members Can Make Requests Or Competitions With Rewards Like Karma.


Cuz in this case, he is innocent ( he is requesting ::) )

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