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[Share-Updated]How to Preview Kamael (New Server)

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Links broken

All point to same torrent right? There is 0 seeders = download speed 0  ->> :(


NOS's link was broken yeah, so I deleted it. Nazgoul's one isn't though. Dl the first file, hte 3.4 gb one.


Check the torrent now. I selected a better tracker.

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This torrent isn't working.When i put it to download it it says :[core.MultiTorrent.e649a916185b2db3067b35032dc13ff17bb6cd67]Aborting the torrent as it could not connect to the tracker while not connected to any peers.No leachers ?

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Check the torrent now. I dunno what's wrong with mine, but this isn't mine and it works, but it is too big.


@aasi888 it works fine for me

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That's broken. I downloaded it and there was file of a size of 1 kb. Which means its broken.

Its not broken!!! ANd about client Download the 34 parts that ekoice Posted!!!

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Its not broken!!! ANd about client Download the 34 parts that ekoice Posted!!!

I don't feel like waiting 200 mins after each dload nor chanching my ip after every dload. Mayby I just wait for better links :)

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If you had started yesterday, it would have been finished by the time you were posting this post ;)

I'm using 10 oog bots at the same time and I would get disconnected after each part (When chanching ip I get dced from the net for 30 sec). Got 30 parts left :(

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I'm using 10 oog bots at the same time and I would get disconnected after each part (When chanching ip I get dced from the net for 30 sec). Got 30 parts left :(


10 oog walkers lol, try downloading it when you don't have them open then.






Why the torrent file don't work for me ?



EDIT:It works now but no leechers :-/


it's not my fault, that's not my torrent, I couldn't  find a better one, if you want search it...

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why you need any torrents ??? i download the client from here :


and its work fine ;)

Why doesn't work for me :( :(.

[Request] someone re-upload to filefront

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