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New Signature.


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8/10! At the left it very dark almost just black and I don't like the text SX. Cyber I see you change your name with the first shot, I was asking from Maxtor to change it around 5-6 times and he didn't. He must add in V.I.P and Donator Member priviliges: Change your name with the first shot!

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8/10! At the left it very dark almost just black and I don't like the text SX. Cyber I see you change your name with the first shot, I was asking from Maxtor to change it around 5-6 times and he didn't. He must add in V.I.P and Donator Member priviliges: Change your name with the first shot!





he not change it only t donators

but myabe he forgot it sometimes.




1st lesson!


make the signature more elegant

anyway it's good!


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i like it a lot i like the render and background too well that dude in the sig reminds me a guy in supernatural an angel named ourihl or what ever his name is but i dont like so much the fonts so i vote 9/10

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Dunno what to say.

Nice render,nice background,good work on the text and generally good work.

Actually the borders could improve it!

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8/10! At the left it very dark almost just black and I don't like the text SX. Cyber I see you change your name with the first shot, I was asking from Maxtor to change it around 5-6 times and he didn't. He must add in V.I.P and Donator Member priviliges: Change your name with the first shot!


Contact him via MSN, and don't think that it didn't took me time too...I was asking for my name change 1 week, but finally he answered me on MSN >.>


Erm, about the sX text in the middle of the signature, I made it so it looks like "hidden", a style that I really like in signatures...Hide the text in points that it hardly can be seen...


Thanks for your comments, it took me 10 minutes to make this signature...

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