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[Help] With this Event





I have been working on the MonsterRush event that was shared at maxcheaters; but edit it a bit to my own version, but first let me get this clear: I know barely anything from Java, just trying to learn by doing it, and so far it's going ok, but I just don't understand the problems that I have.


Anyway; I edited it like this:


- No lord to protect

- Purpose is to eliminate the 'Wave' of monsters (that are from L2HordeInstance) within time, and when you succeeded, the second wave starts and that up to wave 3.


The problems I have:


- I don't know a good method for when killing a mob (from the L2HordeInstance), it counts something down or up; ah anyway: you will see it in the script, and it is not working :/ Currently: when I kill the first mob, it says the event is over and that I failed...


- The Status also doesn't work; I thought the class could only have one status at the time, but when I try in game it almost denies all checks and just jumps all over the waves, dozens of mobs spawn :/


- When I abort; it doesn't clean up the mobs as it should, I guess


Here is the event script: http://pastebin.com/m6d641ff1

This L2HordeInstance: http://pastebin.com/m728c83cf


There is alot of crap in it, I know! Double checks, meaningless checks, separate voids while they could be in one, but I just hoped it might work you see; I just tried alot but I keep getting the problems I wrote.


Just some advice what system/method I should use, perhaps with reference to a system in L2j, would be great enough!

It's not just the point that it gets fixed; I would rather want to know how so I can learn more, so pinpointing the problems would be great as well.


Thanks in advance,





PS: When it's working I will add alot of useful configs and the usual checks (inOly etc.), and I will share it here... If I can get it to work :/

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well... i will help you atm only with this

I don't know a good method for when killing a mob (from the L2HordeInstance), it counts something down or up;
since i dont have much time reading ur event...


If i get it right, you want to create a method that when a mob is killed to decrease the mob count by 1... or smth like that

If so, then i'd suggest you to create a new variable at Horde.java("mobCount" for example) and the folllowing getter/setter (getMobCount/setMobCount) then on doDie at L2HordeInstance use setMobCount(-1), to decrease the curreny mob count by 1...

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