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[REquest interlude server]


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What about this then ? :S

http://www.lineage2forever.com but is 35x (L2OFF)


i asked for a server over 100 exp.i dont want to waste all my time exp buffers etc.





Exp: x500



safe: 3

max: 10


but it will start next weekend probably




seems nice server and i would join if it was on..now it doesnt even have a website at all..



so guys,next please ;P

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i asked for a server over 100 exp.i dont want to waste all my time exp buffers etc.

LOL ? <.<

Becouse is 35x means that don't have NPC buffer ? kk it have full NPC buffer+ 600 online.. but ok whatever, I understood what type of player you are from your signature...

So next ?

L2-Massive 50x with  NPC buffer + L2OFF,

Don't like again ? Then try this Stuck-Sub server 100x L2Java 100x

Ok ?

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in npc buffers there are only the basic buffs dances songs,no covs,n o resists.this is what i meant.about l2java i tried the x5000 but max enchant for players is +25 and for donators +35...lol.about stucksubs,no way..this is not balance..about massive,sorry but i couldnt join an off server with donates..


next please,!

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You don't like any server.


Are you kiddin' us?


You can go to hopzone and search for a server that you like instead of spamming in a topic to increase your post count.

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sorry dude but i got enough posts to see whatever topic will be made.so dont tell me im spamming.i just want to find one interesting server to play on.as u see still i cant.sorry but im searching sites for new servers,i just made the topic cause i need help.if u dont know any server please dont spam it increasing ur post count as well :)

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