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Replay files would also be nice if you can't provide actual videos.


We're starting to script some of the gracia final raids and just need more information about them.


We've completed a few of them, but Ekimus and Tiat raids aren't well documented. So if any of you have replays or videos from Gracia Final raids (please, no dinky private server raids, lol. So far we're the only server even implementing proper Gracia Final raids that I know of. Everyone else doesn't script AIs for them and doesn't have proper drops, stats, or skills either.), please share. :)


This is only two days of work so don't judge too harshly based on it. ;)



Still have some timings to fix on the intro (need to trim back the delay between the second hound and his cast by about 1-2 seconds) and at least three more cameras to add. Skills are done, just need to set proper AI controls on them and we already have retail stats and drops on our Gracia Final raid bosses. :D We're hoping to get a rough version of the Ekimus raid implemented for Monday's update *crosses fingers*. We won't have the outer ring completed yet, initial spawns are done, coffins and tumors are placed along with the npcs that guard them. But we haven't set the AI up yet to trigger events when they are killed. We just need a little more info before we can do that part.




wow this was the most amazing intro from a raid boss i ever seen! good job with your server, but i dont know if is there any fixed boss..everyone are working on core server bugs and on skills.. >.<


wow this was the most amazing intro from a raid boss i ever seen! good job with your server, but i dont know if is there any fixed boss..everyone are working on core server bugs and on skills.. >.<


We have a dev who specifically works on those things for LU. :) Meanwhile us DP devs can start working on things like this. ;)


And it's DEFINITELY not getting shared to the L2J devs. Those guys are huge leechers. They'll use it on their servers and won't commit it for the community.


Much appreciated. And I lol'ed hard @ lineage2media's video. They have all the default spawns but nothing scripted, tumors walking around like normal mobs, and no collision data on them. ;) I doubt they've even got droplists done yet.


But thanks for the idea of searching in chinese. That should help us a lot.

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