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interlude [interlude L2J] L2 King Of World


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L2 King of world (info).




1000 exp


1000 sp


1000 ade




Safe: +6


Max: +25


Scrolls Ecnhant:


Normales: 75%


Crystal: 85%


Blessed : 100%




Buffer 9 hours


Global GK


Gmshop (NG-S Grade)


Class Change


Champions Mods:


They drop items that you need to buy A & S Items.


You can find them in any lvl zone from 25 to 87 LvL.




3 sub-classes


You must register an account to play.


Web site :http://l2kingofworld.sytes.net/


Foro : http://l2kingofworld.sytes.net/foro/


NO Custom items.


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Game: Online
Online: 1
Cuentas: 3
Char: 2
Clanes: 1
Gms: 1


1 try to make 1 site in english dude to bring manny pll not onlly from yor contry.


2  gl with yor server!

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The server is Hispanic, so I just put online today August 19

yea but ... look i wanna try this server but i dont know Hispanic language.. and i dont know where i find the pach..!!
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Topic title fixed, and thread translated to english, good luck with your server.


[ES] Te arregle/traduci el thread, suerte con el server.

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