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Gracia CT2.3 Final High Rate PVP Server




Server`s Rates :




Xp : 4000


Sp : 4000


Adena : 10000




Enchant Rates :




Safe Enchant : +3


Safe Enchant : +30


Normal Scroll : 75%


Blessed Scroll : 82%




Server`s Features :




Auto-learn skills.

Active GMs.

100% Balanced - 100% Uptime.


Increased weight limit for characters.

Alliances consist of a maximum of 6 clans.

Daily Events.

Mostly of the skills are working (We work hard to daily implement more).

Smart and Powerful Spawn PK Guard.

Limited and Fair Donations.

Automated Remote Backups Daily, so there is no chance of any data loss.

Mana Potions with Custom Reuse Delay

Wedding Priest at Giran and Aden town.

Global Gatekeeper.

Flagged Players Cant Use Gatekeepers.

Fully working Gracia Final Clan System.

Vitality System Fully Working.

Duel System fully working. (1v1 and Party Duel)

Limited Buff Slots.

Augmentation fully working.

No Clan Penalties.

Custom TvT Event every 2h joinable with command .join and .leave

Subclasses (6 SubClasses With No Unique Items Needed).


Olympiad fully working.

Hero System and hero skills.

Retail-like clan halls.

Sieges 100%.

Full GM-Shop (all you need is there)

General buffs, songs and dances last 4 hours.

Prophecies / CoV / Gift of Queen/Kamael last 3 minutes.

Automatic classmaster

Gmshop, Buffer and Gk spawned in all towns




Server`s Spec :




AMD Phenom 3,4GHz

8GB Ram DDR3

1st HDD 500 GB

2nd HDD 250 GB

5TB Bandwith

100 Mbps Uplink

Windows 2003 Server




Server`s Site :


Server`s Forum :









The server Opens 18/08/2009 In The Evening....Has Online Community But Not Enough yet..Now the Server reaches the ammount of 50-60 ppl online..I Thing for 1 Day Server Is good enough...

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