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Gia na entypwsiasei.


PS: Min ksexnas, den exei apodeikseis. Etsi kserw kai gw na lew.


mpla mpla mpla mpla topic author:karmaarrows opote:


auto p 8elei na pei einai to exshs:::


-to peristatiko to opoio anaferetai sthn pragmatikothta den isxuei...katarxhn na upen8umisw oti o karmaarrows epaize archon ...se keino to server kata thn metafora tou apo c3 se c4 ta trades gia ena mhna peripou  lagaran alla MONO ws pros to ok pou ginotan cancel alla to cancel paremene cancel...auta p leme oti to eida ktl mpla mpla mpla den isxuoun para mono gia entuposiasmo k gia post count(no offence alla etc einai)auto exei dior8w8ei edw k mhnes alla xsanahr8e sthn epifaneia epeidh kapoia atoma mpainoun me names opws GMmplamplampla k lene oti exei problhma to account twn paixtwn k oti an kanoun trade me allous 8a tous doun ta pass k 8a tous katalhstepsoun k gia auto dwse se mena to gm ta opla k 8a sto ftiaxsw k meta sta dinw k bb o blakakos k etc psarwnoun k apla scammed noob.......oi GM peritto na pw oti mprosta apo to name tous exoun to @...dld @mplamplampla k oxi GMmplamplampla ...etc exei dhmiourgh8ei mia fovia oti uparxei programma k lalakies k oti eidan na xrhsimopoioun auto to anuparkto sthn ousia programma enw stous scammaran me ton pio geloio tropo upoti8emenoi GM



ti exete na peite gia auto????


vasika, ama thelete boro na sas ftiaxsw enan cursora, p na kanei point as poume tin apostasei tou CANCEL me to OK... xD

dld, otan pas na kaneis klik, na min kanei klik ekei p einai i gwnia tou cursor xD na kanei ligo pio ristera oso i apostasi tou CANCEL me OK xD


hehe oreos darky ;) deuteron auta ine xazomares exo akousi tosaaaaaaaa kai tosa mono na spamaroun...idika an vro kanenan me idia ip apo ena acc me ena alo sto mXB fotia tha pesi na tone kapsi!p na paei na kriuti an kani me noobo acc's erotisis kai apantaei giati milame gia paranoikous anthropous edo mesa :P hehe xazomares...kai go ixera poles teties malakies opos na dixni sto trade 1kkk kai na ine 100kk... den leo oti steki min to mamate kopste to to thema!


Pedia auto to programa mporis na to vris ama riksis leuta episis iparxi akoma ena programa to ekana mia fora alo to program dn to exw ena pedi sto net mou.. Pige ka8ise enas sto pc protou ka8isi evala to program meta otan efige piga ka8isa piga sto fakelo kai vrika to pass kai mpika epeza official to palikari 74+ lvl kai gamo ta items alla leo siga twwra mi tou pirakso to char tou 8a ksenerosi gamaton ..Ton vlepo tin alli mera file kai tou leo na sou dikso kati  kai ta epekse molis ide oti ksero to pass kai ola kai tou eipa na to exi ipopsi prosexte osi pezete apo net... Twra oso afora kai auto to program 8a rotiso to filo mou ama to exi akoma kai ama to exi 8a to postaro i allios prepi na plirosis gia na to vris....


re c se pio fakelo ta blepeis auta?? gia na ton katharizo molis feugo apo to net...


Basika Dn exw Logo na pw Psemata... Omg!!!

N0ble eksypne pou ta kses ola....aYto dn egine ston ARCHON...

Gt na pw psemata ?? Yparxei logos ? Tespa afou nomizete oloi oti exw adiko k lew psemata kalytera a fygw apo edw dn exw thesi ... :/ Apla einai ta pragmata...

Omws egw tha deite tha psaksw na brw apodeikseis k tha sas to postarw k mia foto h se kanena site,,, Alla na kserete... Mallon to program pou lete oti me kamia panagia dn uparxei ..To perneis me lefta k oxi Free.....Milisa me to paidi k mou eipe k na sto pw dn tha mporeseis na to kaneis download ektos k ean rikseis fragka..Ayta eixa na pw....


monsieur den lew oti les 100% psemata  alla milwntas genika k aorista mono post count metraei k den uparxei oute onoma oute tpt mexri stigmhs :P


anyway ama hmastan se c1/c2 epoxes ekei 8a se pisteua k mono p 8a to aneferes


an breis kati postare to

Gt na pw psemata ?? Yparxei logos ? Tespa afou nomizete oloi oti exw adiko k lew psemata kalytera a fygw apo edw dn exw thesi ... :/


Oxi kale, den les psemmata. Estw mia screenshot. Ante poly ekatses kai spammares.


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