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Kapios na kserei apo website exw parei ena domain alla otan px mpaineis http://l2spiritblood.com den exei website mono leei index off

Kapios na m kaneis to website an kserei please eleos kapion na kserei apo ftp help

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eleos re help re afto einai gia local emena to website hostarete apo etairia 000webhost kai theelei ftp gia website kai thelw kapion na kserei apo ftp

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Eukolo eine an katseis na asxolithis.


http://www.smartftp.com/ --> Katebase to client,bale ta aparetita stixia tou domain sou kai eise mesa.


Epita,psakse sto forum gia websites,katebase ta arxeia kai apla ta pernas kai ta kaneis edit sto ftp.

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nai ti site na katebasw ????


Sto forum an kaneis search tha breis diafora Lineage II Sites.


Pare ta arxeia apo to rar pou tha katebaseis kanta edit kai perna ta sto ftp!


@aKuRoR den sxoliazo dioti to pedi s leei pire domain kai tha ftiaxei to noobosite tis ucoz?

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