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Speed up your XP and Vista by hack its system registry


Do you know that your computer is like your car: it needs periodic maintenance to keep it running at optimum performance. Installing and un-installing programs, surfing the Internet, emailing, and other everyday activities create a sort of “sludge” that builds up in your computer over time, much like an automobile engine. After a while, it doesn't startup like when it was new, it stalls unexpectedly, and performance is sluggish on the (information) highway. :P





Of course, the fastest and easiest way to speed-up your computer is to allow a software program to do it for you! Although you will find that all of the adjustments in this book will speed up your system, the most effective and easiest way to give your computer blazing speed is to clean up your system’s Registry.


Or you can try the shareware of these registry cleaner programs, such as System Cleaner,

Registry First Aid, RegSeeker or TuneUp Utilities 2009 for tune up your Windows XP and/or Vista.



Gredits to me for the rearch :D










Hacks for windows are not allowed!


Its not a hack

It just cleans your pc like "RECONSTRUCTION" (anasigkrotisi)




nC share man its very usefull (but it is not a "hack") :P

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