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interlude [L2J-Interlude]L2Pixy PvP


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Okay first of all server seems to be nice but i got few things to say.

1st)Make only one farm zone and separate it on 2 parts 1 pvp/pk and the other safe zone.You would ask why?Well i suggest that cause if you want PvP happens alot this will help,cause all players will be "forced" to go on same place and want or don't wnat they'll have to pvp.

2nd)Well you got a domain,but doh work on your unique website i've seen that 5092385 times and its really disgusting,no offence,if you want your server to be good you'll have to work for the website aswell if you need help you can PM me i can think something to help.

3rd) Remove those custom items never liked a server with custom items if you remove them and implement something unique for your server people would love it!Totally i was about to try it but as i saw it has custom things i gave up trying it.

4th)If you didn't bought your vBulletin forums take care of it cause you might got problems for copyrights and stealing it(which is illegal).

5th)Try using more proper language and sentances that make sense.(Im not saying that my language is good or something just a good server and a sh.tty language bleah.) For ex. on forums you wrote Today Open.. you should of wrote It will open today or something making more sense.


I think its all,i hope you're a good person that accept judgmenets and suggestions not like some kids that cry and /emo when someone tell em the truth.Good luck,i wish you all the best,ye i mean it cuz i like to see people that work for their server and actually care for it!Good luck once again. Bai :3

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