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[Interlude L2j] L2 Mirage Project Started


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There is a new lineage 2 porject on the way. We already have the domain and webhost and paid for 4 months for the dedicated server. The website is www.l2mirage.info you can find there an Aplication form. We Only Need Devs


Here is some info


The server is going to be Interlude. With a lot of custom. Using l2j or l2jfree compiled files with some java core patches. No html's and Npc only our custom to make the server load less.


The server will go through 4 stages/phases.


Phase 1 (Starting Project) In Progress

In this phase we will be starting the project and making the core server files. In a few days the server will be ready for the first players to log in


Phase 2 (Closed Beta) Not Completed

In this phase about 20 lucky players will be given beta accounts to try out the server for the first time. This will be a critical phase because we will be fixing a lot of bugs and crashes. After that (about 1 week) we will be ready for phase 3


Phase 3 (Open Beta) Not Completed

In this phase the registration page will be working so that everyone will have the opportunity to make an account and enter the server. We cannot be sure if all bugs will be fixed during the closed beta thats why we need you the players to help us find all bugs and then fix them. After this theres going to be a wipe to get ready for the last phase of l2 Mirage


Phase 4 (Going Live) Not Completed

When we are happy of the stability of the server and most bugs are fixxed the server is going live. After the wipe everyone starts from 0. So i hope you will support as through this journey of making the best lineage 2 server out there.

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