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Agapame Infected ree...


Anevainei i syllogi... 2 tomoi, 5 dvd, ena best seller toy liako, to zoyn anamesa mas(bonus) k ta 3 gourounakia stn arxaiotita(bonus no.2).

Eukola anevainoun ola ayta?

pezei na peksoume kamia biriba


Loipon Loiponnnn Loiponnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


Exoume k leme...


To topic anoixtike apo ton gerero gia na mas deiksei ena chat log.


1) Den 8a eprepe na vgazeis public chat logs ta opoia einai se prive chat.

Kses ti chatlogs mporw na s vgalw.. k kses posa atoma 8a kapsw ? Exeis upoPsin s ? P me parakalane gia mia 8esi st team h gia proMote s kati megalitero ? H kses oti mporw na proteinw kapoion na fugei apo to teaM k na fugei.. ? To kanw omws ? Oxi.. etsi k esy dn 8a eprepe an isoun swstos na vgaleis to chat log stin fora. Kai stn teliki ti eipe ? SkatoForum. To lew k egw.. SKATOFORUM eiNai to mxC ;P Twra 8a faw kick apo to team h kati paroMoio ? To 8ema dn einai ti eipe.. alla itan kati metaksi sas k dn eprepe na vgei sti fora. Dn mas endiaferoun oi diafores sas kai ta provlimata sas. Parte to xampari gia auto milate eksalou apo msn k dn ta legate edw. Gerero itan la8os sou. Den mas endiaferei se kamia periptosi ti s eipe o revenger apo msn . 8a ekanes report kati an itan kati kako gia to forum... h tpt leeching k tetio. Etsi nai. Tha prosferes sto forum voi8eia. Twra to mono p prosferes einai mpelades. 12+ selides full of spam k flame. Loipon to 8ema 8ewreite liksan.


Paei to 8ema me ta chat logs.


2) Gia to team poioi prepei na fugoun poioi na meinoun lew gia akoma mia fora oti dn einai douleia sas. Kai dn mporeite na mpeite oloi sto team. Vevaiws kanoume la8oi. vevaiws paizoume pousties k kamia fora s members me ligoteri k alles fores perisoteri simpa8eia omws dn sas peftei kanenas logos.. na mas peite ti na kanoume h poious na kratisoume .. paraMono an o maxtor anoiksei tetio voting topic k na apofasizete eseis. Ean dn sas aresei mporeite na fugete den sas kratame. Dn ginete na mpeite oloi. K dn einai oloi kaloi.. alloi ligotero alloi perisotero active k helpfull.. parola auta paramenoun staff members. Bebaiws 8a uparxoun ananewseis k 8a fugoun atoma alla k 8a mpoun kainourgia. Eidate oti ananeonete suxna to team. Eidika ton teleutaio kairo.


Akoma k h koutsi maria eixe simetoxi s auto to topic k eipe tn apopsi t/tis. Tha dwsw ena telos loipon . Min me kanete PM na to kanw unlock. Diavaste parapanw gt. K elpizw na mn ksanaginoun idia la8oi. Dn timoreite kaneis oute kan warning alla na exete upopsin oti tn epomeni fora p sumbei kt tetio dn 8a fugete atimoritoi kapoioi.




ftouuuuu alles 3 apanthseis k 8a ftaname tis 200 :( 


k na 8elete na ksekinhsete ena sobaro topic wste na lusete tis diafores sas mazi mas panta briskete enan tropo na to skatwnete k na to xalate legontas mparoufares k oti koulo mporeite na skefteite.


Όσο για το staff έχω παρατηρήσει ότι ναι δεν παίρνει staff -1 karma! Και ότι νομίζουν ότι είναι πολύ σημαντικά άτομα ενώ το μισό και παραπάνω φόρουμ είναι staff members!


oloi pairnoun -1  apo mena :/

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