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i don't use just 1 prog i use more ...Ok i will tell ya : Adobe Photoshop CS3 | Adobe Photoshop FireWorks | Adobe Photoshop Flash | Ulead Gif Animator

That's why he is the most professional animator of mxc and not only ;)

<3 and ur creations br0 ;)

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1 more sig added to my collection 16bc0th.gif

LoL i just saw it xD!!It's very nice even i hate sakiz...You style rulezZ as u do ;)

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ahh i hope that u will forget :D ...ok i will make it btw ...can u make a psd for it ? :D and send me the font or tell me the name of it via pm or here ..how ever u think is better :P

i cant make the psd here((job) use whatever u want just follow the style,the font what i use in SeeYa is "Planet Kosmos" and in the "GFX Designer" is "God long" if im not wrong ;)

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ok but as you see tons of requests fall on me :D so if there is no rush for ur ava u can make it home and send it to me ...

its ok u dont want... ok nab i hate make avatars so i will tri u.u" aniway thx

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