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[Request] Avatar and Sig :-]

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U can make ur own sig+ava cuz u are expirienced and give the psd files to me so i will animate it :P

PS:Can a mod make my thread sticky ?

PS2:Reve sig finished


Waiting a response cuz i really did my best on it :P .It's fuking HighQuality :D

Omg u made my DAY




//respect mode On

master mike!!








can i have one avatar too?<3

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maniakmike if you want make and 1 for me but when you have time maybe make me at least :D and make all the others just when you have time to make make.My signatures are just nothing in front of yours just -beep-ing awesome dude.

so just do if you want with text VirusLoader

and theme something with virus if you can or just do simple anything you want.

Edit:thx maniakmike i appreciate that :)

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@`ReVenGeR^ That's one of my best creations btw :P. I always work on FULL POWAH but depends about on what mood i am :P .Can you guess how much time i spend on ur sig ? :P if you are near i will make an avatar too O.o :D

@VirusLoader ofc i will make a sig for you 2 :P

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I can't rember i forgot xD ...How ever i will make a avatar for you cuz ur it's FUGLY

that's why i believe artist are good ppl <3
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Lol that guy skills owns everything,but i prepfer...

<---My pig !!!

Btw is there any way to type something on it?if so can some1 type just the SoulRaver?


xD xD

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Awesome sig. But, you can't look at it for over a minute. (im getting dizzy) :D

Anyway, IF you have time, please make one avatar for me. (with Killah + dark colours, or w/e you want)



Here is the avatar


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Mike I want your opinion.

I know that it's ur topic, but I would like to know what do u think. :)

It's not something special. I was inspired by ur sig. ;P




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