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[QUESTION] L2PHX in Gracia Final.

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Hello Guys ;


Im new here, and im looking all post to see if Any l2PHX is working on GRACIA FINAL... I have Last update (phx. ... I can login on gracia final, and I can View Packets... But When I try to Send packets, Or modify to get and Enchant I only get the same Object without any enchant or modify, Any Know If we can do anything-->(Enchant,stack buff,duplicate,change race etc...) with this tool in gracia final

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Try to kill Game Guard.

Here: Interlude - Gracia: Final - noGG[No Game Guard]:

wildcard.rar (updated 07.08.09) - - disables GameGuard - for clients, Interlude through CT2.3

Download from here: http://fyyre.ivory-tower.de/wildcard.rar


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I killed It now... i Buy a weapon in GM SHOP, i get Packet code, and i Converter 6º and 7º numbers with converter... I put +20 , and i convert it again... when I Try to send... I get the same Item , but without Enchant :/




Any Idea to make Found anything in Gracia final? :(

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Yes , yes, and the packet send Okey but the problem is not modify I can send it, and server give me the same Weapon but without any change :/  ... And i can read all Packets server/client , and send but when I try to modify it i get the same weapon... If any want to try in my gracia final server add me to msn casi_divino@hotmail.com


thanks, more suggestions to make it found? :(

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so where can i get Enchant Exploit? without need 5.000000000000 Post, :X

no 5.000000000000 post, :X , only 250 posts . If you are pro can see it. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=55121.0
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