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What do you think about Mods???


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Only a few members deserve their position.....


Btw mg u remind me a lot of hackzor.....Always flaming,criticizing and not even liking a single thing.......


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Only a few members deserve their position.....


Btw mg u remind me a lot of hackzor.....Always flaming,criticizing and not even liking a single thing.......



BUT, dream was pro member.

He never banned someone or locked a topic without reason.

He always tried to share and he deserved his position.


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+1...But people said about gold members...

you know how i got my -1 karmas???

Because i was saying TRUTHS that

were harming some people with the ability

of +1,but they most use -1....I see that only

donators post here,so you cant be in our place

that we are free users,so you can't see the things

like we do....I see that the moderators(except Karmaarrows and maybe Noble)

Post only in gold,platinum,moderators topic saying Nice Bro +1

Great Share mate,and something like this..while guides and shares

that are more useful than a gold member's topic they dont even reply

Need examples???


At least tell me how i can beat this topic...

1)Fakoykas Sticky Topic About Gracia 2 click me BabeCan someone explain me why is this sticky while gracia 2 servers are dead,And gracia final has entered as the new crhonicle???


2)Lets See another Topic Created Of me... Click me Babe


Sooo...I copied the list of dyes from pm fun and i added some features and Faq...

Fakoykas Took it from Gamershell.com...Dyes are something that all the players have to know

and never will be a <<new>> dyes chronicle...so dyes are more useful for a gracia 2 topic...

I dont ask to be sticked but i would like to know what else has Fakoyka's Topic and what is more useful for a player to learn?1)What does Gracia 2 Has?2)Or Everything about Dyes???


PS:I Could change other topic by another user i just choosed this :P

I could choose some shares of revenger or anything like this...

{GR}An den penepseis to spiti sou 8a pesei na se plakwsei

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I see many members viewing the topic but no1 has nothing to say....

You dont have something to say to help this sticky by Fakoykas????

PS:nothing personal with fakoykas just only want a quality in gr section

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I can't understand what you trying to prove ..

That your topic is beter ? No it's not.

Dye topic is usefull but if you take 5mins to look the magic shop you can find everything you need IG.

Gracia client is usefull too, same with dyes. It only needs 5mins google search.

Why the one is sticky and the other isn't ? Even the most bored guy around take his time to read IG about dyes.

But not everyone searching in google, insteed they coming here and they can find the links needed.

The fact that he is G.mod doesn't mean anything, check the other ''link client'' topic started and stickied by a normal member


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I am just trying to understand what does his post have more than mine

Because i strongly believe that there could be better stickies,and i think

that it was self stickied....



I should be the 1st to argue here about the non-sticky.


I have make 3 Complete guides about sagi , eva's saint , trickster - guides which explain gear,full explanation of skills (every skill with a PHOTO)pvp tactics,lv up zones,tips


hardly reached 3 pages. none from the staff posted ;x


i agree to the part that some topics should be stick and they are not. but it seems pointless to disagree here so...

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i DONT Disagee... This topic maybe is the best in whole forum...


So whats the meaning of having information about the new client

and a sticky about an older client which is not so loved as c4 or c6???

Whats the requierments of a post to be sticky???Probably something good???

You dont think that dyes are More useful by an older client information???


PS:Editing Buff List in greek...if it doesnt be sticky then we can say that we stick the user and not the topic...

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Btw mg u remind me a lot of hackzor.....Always flaming,criticizing and not even liking a single thing.......


He is hackz0r. ^^

BG flag, dislikes and flames everyone & everything behind a PC-screen, same sh1t.

(don't take this as flaming, but I know these kind of ppl, they failed in the real world, and come here to prove something. They do not appreciate what others do, they don't even say ONCE a 'nice share', they only disagree just to be noticed from the others.)


So, peace.

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Omg don't go off-topic


we start for mods that are inactive and now you are talking about sticky Lo0l3n

as i said before i agree for some members from the staff that are inactive etc zhe must be kicked

demev is an uploader only with 69 posts om>G what could you say about this he work once i never seen him post somewhere .Some guys here are afraid to tell their opinion cause they don't want to lose reputation ..

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I should be the 1st to argue here about the non-sticky.


I have make 3 Complete guides about sagi , eva's saint , trickster - guides which explain gear,full explanation of skills (every skill with a PHOTO)pvp tactics,lv up zones,tips


hardly reached 3 pages. none from the staff posted ;x


i agree to the part that some topics should be stick and they are not. but it seems pointless to disagree here so...

I Made 2 guides too about Adventurer and duelist with everything needed inside....And?


They prolly didnt like them despite the hours we spent to make'em


Ok let's make a comparison


http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=68717.0 here we see hithere taking karma for a 20 MINUTES JOB that every member can make....


Now we see over 7 guides made by different people BUT Noone takes karma....WHY?


I Spent over 3hours making my first and other 3 making my second...


Now isnt CN Spamming karma?


Personally i dont give a shit about karma its just a stupid way to feel important....but why since he Spams karma AGAIN cn doesnt get demoted?


Sry guys but its unfair imo

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Omg don't go off-topic


we start for mods that are inactive and now you are talking about sticky Lo0l3n

as i said before i agree for some members from the staff that are inactive etc zhe must be kicked

demev is an uploader only with 69 posts om>G what could you say about this he work once i never seen him post somewhere .Some guys here are afraid to tell their opinion cause they don't want to lose reputation ..


demev is making the best posts on bot sections, he deserve the place.

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