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What do you think about Mods???


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in 10 pages full of flame and protest started by **SBD** because he didnt like moderator's actions

In the end....


PS:Do you need a moderator for online games



agree with this xax0ax0ax0ax0a0x0a000

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i know xDDDDD i spend 6 hours online per day xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDYou are [GR]poromenos xaxa

Burned :P

but im on holidays on my village and i aint got anything more to do than surfing on internet :)

Btw now im outside near my home at beach^^

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You guys act like the forum is your life. TOO MUCH DRAMA. This ain't real life, these sites are built for entertainment purposes, go out and find a gf or something.



because of this "burned" people we are getting more users , activity etc and we CARE about the forum even if it is for entertainment purposes it means that we should not care about it? make it better?

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i know xDDDDD i spend 6 hours online per day xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDYou are [GR]poromenos xaxa

Me i spend 7  hours and more..Yesterday i spend 10 hours xD..I like this forum that's why i spend a lot of time.

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omg the starter of topick start this topic cause he want some members to get demote just to promote him and you are tgelling us that we are going off toppic

What we told was {gr] sxetiko with the starting manner now do u think the same about how many hours u spend?Rolleyes
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What we told was {gr] sxetiko with the starting manner now do u think the same about how many hours u spend?Rolleyes


we dont talk about how much time we spend on we suggest ppls xaaaaaaaaaaaaa


kai ti boris na m kaneis ego ime voi8os tou papa xDDDDDDDDDDD ime ipo tin prostasia tou xD

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Okay guyz ... :P


Enough with spamming  , flamming , off topic replies...


Jaja i know it's spam section. But here are all wanna BE future mods...


I will dont -1 karma anyone.. but i will just say some few things.


Maxtor made clear.. how the forum works and demotes. We are trying to pick the best members. To become part of this community it's a big deal. It need a lot of work and activity. Why you care how to kick the inactive members and why u dont care how to earn a position to forum ? At least uploader for start.  If we make u all mods and gl mods.. this forum will fail! I mean if we put all the active members in the team. SOoooo what i want to say ? Keep sharing and help others and u will soon be on of us.


And now if maxtor make this new membergroup u will have more possibility to join the team! So keep trying and not complaing everytime. If you cry to be a mod u will never be one :)


Topic creator: SBD/Zeromaker or i dont know who u are... I hope u understand anything that i said above...


About the platinums as i said to my previous reply.. they are the most important members for the forum. They keep it alive. Of course they are karma abusing some times.. but that's why we are here the team and u guyz the simple members. REPORT THESE SH1TS.



I hope i was clear.. The topic will be locked because in a few hours u filled 10-11 pages. And u are tottaly off topic.


SO locked and read again & again what i said above if u cant understand and maybe u will be on of us!




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i spend about 30-45 minutes of my day here just moderating.just spend 1 hour reading it all! lol

i ve seen that ppl are affraid to talk because they are scared...lol we re not draculas! and i m one thats not affraid  to destroy his image.thats guts! those who are affraid to talk are just chickens because they dont want to lose their rep with the mods or some mods dont want to ruin their reputation with the members!

to be honest. i didnt like the apologising tone i ve seen in some replies so i ll go agressive xD

due to summertime i cant spend unlimited hours online not that in wintertime i was burning but conversation goes on.

i see that the majority has problem with the karma distribution amongst the users by the moderators

its a matter i cant and even care :P


about guide rewards neither can i do anything.as you all know i DONT bother with l2 anymore thats why i award only Warcraft shares :D  or every L2 work that will impress me


A PIECE OF ADVISE...you have to admit that L2 is going dead but wow a rising one.most of the shares are shit shares or reposted shares or non working shares because Dev with exploiting is the exactly opposite!you cant cheat something you fix!


here are my logs in case for ppl who want to see xD :P :) ;) ;D im the one who smites even staff members...gimme a break with karma abuse caramel


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