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This is not a Lineage 2 server! This server is for other game from the same developer NC soft :D. If you have a client of Aion you can run this server! Develop of this Emulator just started. It have not so much as official server... But it will in future! So I decided to share it here.


Look to this topic for UPDATES!




What you will see in this pack!


1) Fix sql and other

2) Fix setup.bat

3)Fix class_list.sql and proffesion.sql

4) skill_trees.sql (skills till 9 lvl)

5) skill_spellbooks.sql and skill_stigma.sql

6) many little fixes

7) Chages in  setup.bat for installing new files.

8) Realisation of entering the game before u crate char


[glow=green,2,300]LINKS :



PASSWORD :  www.aion-base.ru[/glow]







At the moment you can enter the world by two classes : Asmodae-Scout and Elyos-Warrior.

Next revision will be released 15 of july, maybe later. And it will have more working core and etc...




1) Put  patch  in the root of game  YOU WILL NEED KOREAN CLIENT UPDATED TO THE LAST VERSION! (to run the client run it).

2) He did not kill GameGuard (otherwise you will IRCAM in 5 minutes).

3) Go to a game to introduce a new login and password (on the server included autoreg).


LINK ON PATCH : http://dump.ru/file/3022188[/glow]


Admins its time for AION section on your forum ;)[/glow][/move]




Server Installation Guide


1.For server start we will need next soft:

Java Platform - installing

MySQL - installing

Navicat - create database here, for example "aion"


3. go to root \config open file loginserver.properties

And see:



# AioN Emu Developers project - aionemu.ru



# LoginServer will listen for connections on specified port

# Укажите порт на который будет соединяться логин сервер

loginserver.network.client.port=2106 <--port


# LoginServer will bind specified network interface

# Сетевой интерфейс для привязки логин сервера (IP или DNS)

# * - bind all interfaces

# * - означает привязка ко всем итерфейсам

loginserver.network.client.host= - Here u can enter ip of the server


# How many times player can try to login before he get's banned for bruteforcing

# Сколько разрешить попыток игроку соединиться с логин сервером, после чего он получит бан (от брутфорсов)



# For what time in minutes player should be banned in case of bruteforcing

# Сколько времени (в минутах) забаненный игрок будет находится в бане за перебор паролей



# Nuber of additional threads for NIO that will handle only reading

# Число дополнительных потоков для NIO которые будут позволять только чтение



# Nuber of additional threads for NIO that will handle only writing

# Число дополнительных потоков для NIO которые будут позволять только запись



# Show NCSoft client licence or not?

# Показывать NCSoft лицензию или нет?



# Create accounts automatically or not?

# Создавать аккаунт автоматически или нет?



4. Next go to  \config and open  database.properties




# AioN Emu Developers project - aionemu.ru




# This class represents database driver class that will be used while connecting to database

# Эта настройка определяет тип драйвера, который будет использоваться при соединении с базой



# This is database url.

# ПУть к базе данных.

database.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/aion - name of database that wee created


# Database user

# Пользователь базы данных

database.user=root - login to mysql

# Database password

# Пароль к базе данных

database.password=root - and password to mysql


# Minimum amount of database connections that will allways in the pool

# Минимальное количество соединений в пуле



# Maximum amount of DB connections that server can use

# Максимальное количество соединений к базе данных которое может использоваться на сервере



# Script context that will be loaded by database factory, it should implement DAO instances

# Подключаем скрипты, необходимые для работы с базой данных

# (в дальнейшем будут добавлена поддержка других баз данных, а пока этот параметр не следует изменять)



5. Next we must go to \sql and change Setup.exe



@echo off

TITLE AionEmu Setup

REM ######################################## Automatic updater for Aion - Do not edit !!!

goto answer%ERRORLEVEL%


set fastend=yes

goto upgrade_db


set fastend=no


set user=root - login to mysql

set pass=your_password - pass MySQL

set DBname=aiondb - name of db that u've created in Navicat

set DBHost=localhost - your ip


REM ########################################

6. Starting Setup.exe

Choose 1. Install Login Server, after that choose 2. install Game Server


7. Next we just starting LoginServer and GameServer


8. Fell yourself happy :D


i tried something to connect to the serve and it works.


go to your main AION folder and make a bat file, then paste this code into it:


@echo off
start bin32/aion.bin -ip:


run the bat file and tadaaaaa


Hm i have some Error :

Starting www.Aion-Base.Ru Game Server.


Please, copy: config/default/log4j.xml TO folder ./config/  FROM folder ./config


version.ini: Config Successfully loaded from core.

Please, copy: ./config/default/gameserver.ini TO folder ./config/  FROM folder .


gameserver.ini: Config Successfully loaded.

ServerID: 1


Please, copy: ./config/default/database.ini TO folder ./config/  FROM folder ./c


database.ini: Config Successfully loaded.


Successfully connected to database

IDFactory initialized, used ids: 0

Server listening on IP: Port 7777 for Aion Connections




        Powered by Aion Live Team© 2009.

      Revision: 78.

    Build Date: 2009.07.03 17:55.


GameServer Started, used memory 9 MB

LS: Try connecting to LS on

Connection fail, trying to reconnect.

LS: Try connecting to LS on

Successful register on LS

Game/AionConnection.java : connection from:

Game/AionConnection.java : connection from:

sending packet: 0x49 SM_KEY



How i can fix that ? (Client is full updated & starting from patch) ::) ??? :-\


Yeah I get the same error, here's what it says.

sending packet: [s] 0x49 SM_KEY
Decrypt fail!
recived packet: [C] 0x50 CM_VERSION_CHECK
Decrypt fail!
Unknown packet recived from Aion client: 66 state=CONNECTED
0000: c7 04 d6 3b                                        ...;
recived packet: null
Decrypt fail!
Unknown packet recived from Aion client: 151 state=CONNECTED
0000: 01 00 7f 00 00 01 30 00 30 00 2d 00 31 00 33 00   .⌂...0.0.-.1.3.-
0010: 2d 00 44 00 33 00 2d 00 45 00 33 00 2d 00 45 00   .D.3.-.E.3.-.E.A
0020: 41 00 2d 00 36 00 34 00 00 00                      A.-.6.4...
recived packet: null
sending packet: [s] 0x00 SM_VERSION_CHECK


this is not an old game ;/ just screens sucks. It will appear in europe in the end of 2009 - beginig of 2010. In Korea alredy released.

Added some vids:


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