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[H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu)]


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Well, here in Argentina the H1N1 Aka swine flu has become a Pandemic (Universitys closed beacuse of this -.-") and i want to know what is going on Europe, and Usa, what precautions have your goverments take against worldwide infection.



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Oh its so freakin awesome actually.... I mean.. the Journalistes were like BANG! We're all going to die because a fucking pig will kill us. And i was like damn that shit is scary but you know... now i forgot all about it no one speaks about it in Bulgaria so i am calm like a Fly ready to die.. But anyway don't worry you wont die you'll just suffer to death [if you indeed get the h1n1]. Nah just kiddin ontopic now.. Nothing to be afraid of medecin againts that virus are in process of being created and are almost done.


Bored As Always...



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Well, here in Argentina the H1N1 Aka swine flu has become a Pandemic (Universitys closed beacuse of this -.-") and i want to know what is going on Europe, and Usa, what precautions have your goverments take against worldwide infection.


Well here in Greece we see the infected people raising every day almost , we have like 100 known infected people so far , but most of them are coming from other countries. Oh and some doctors in a hospital were infected too trying to cure a patient. Im not actually scared cause this flu doesn't kill you , it has like 6% mortality rate on people who have other health issues. (Im one of them i have asthma)

But still not scared , and im sick of all these stupid journalists who scare people just to have more viewers on tv.


Anyway thats all thats going on Greece.

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we have like 100 known infected people so far , but most of them are coming from other countries.


Dont worry here in Arg we have 1000 infected and over 50 dead.


Im not actually scared cause this flu doesn't kill you , it has like 6% mortality rate on people who have other health issues. (Im one of them i have asthma)


Be carefull people with respiratory diseases can have more trouble with this infection.

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dudes this is all bull crap i mean theres no such thing as pig flu or chicken flu or what ever..its all from the iconomics all is coming for that the people making bussines with pigs to dont make money and stuff..when i first heard about chicken flu i was damn now i am going to eat a lot of chicken coz of that it was cheap and now i eat a lot of stakes coz you see its very cheap..its all conspiracy imo

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