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interlude [Interlude L2J]L2-BlackAdict

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[move]Original Post By ult7ras[/move]

Server Features :


* 10000x Rates

* Dynasty Armor

* Dynasty Weapons

* Easy Farming Zone

* PvP Zone

* Custom Tatoo Stats

* Interlude Skills 100% Working

[tt]WebSite : Http://WWW.L2-BlackAdict.uCoz.CoM

Server IP Address : l2akori.no-ip.biz


Vote For Us Daily For A Nice Commuity[/tt]

Server Status :  status.php?dns=l2akori.no-ip.biz&port=7777&style=2




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Nothing...Also,I would like to ask you if the server is hosted on a dedicated server or a server !

If it is a possibility I can help your server pls contact me here : Louvarism@HotMail.CoM

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Mm ...And Have you thought if the dagger didn't have +10 jewels??

1.Also, I know ! We Have One tatoo "bug"( When you enchant them they give stats )

2.Daggers are unbalanced,But if you put one divine tatoo you will be ok ,but with not so much c.speed




EDIT : Server is currently offline , because of an error ! Please wait dome time


EDIT 2 : Site will change host and design too !

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