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[SHARE]Crystal Arcana(Gracia)

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Hello boys and girls..;)


Here i have got one Crystal Arcana :D.






Credits To Me.



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LoL Sorry Guyz But I THink That it's already shared...

And this absolutetly is not your work mate.

I Have seen it many times...Everyone who have played L2Dragon S May had it...

Karma Taken Back..Sorry...

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Why you take my karma back man?Show me a post with the same share..And i made it i didn't take it from L2 Dragon..OMG.

LoL Maybe You Didn't Take it but it already exists...I Have seen it On many servers like 17Heroes and L2Dragon S..


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And i can take items from other serverS?LOL OMG..I want to see a link that my share is already exist...

MAN,OMG I said That i THINK That It's Already Shared...I Asked And A Friend And he Told THe Same...BTW Yes You Can Take The Texture File And Share The Weapon...

After ALL...It Is Just A Weapon...Some Guyz Are Making Hundred Of Sets And They Get NOTHING...+1 For A Weapon...

This Is Called Abuse...

End Of Drama..End Of Story BB

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