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interlude [interlude l2j ] L2Phoenix NEW!!


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OMG fu... bullsh.1t - he copy my site......


www.l2phoenix.ro - no my work . .. .



Some words to admin phoenix:


I would like to inform you about the fact that Your website is illegaly placed (copied) without a proper licence concerning authors rights. Corrector W3C has showed that both sites are the same. It can be stated trough the code which is identical. I want to inform You that if you will not remove this site in 24 hours from the time when this message will arrive to You we will be made to inform proper authorities and there will be criminal proceedings pointed at You (on the base of articles concernong this kind of cases).



; ))

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GMs kinda suck and I have to admit it... GM say that if server reach 3rd page on hopzone he will shut down server. Also he deleted ! chat for no reason what so ever... I like server, but i don't like Gm. He also change 1 augment skill from 6 euro to 10 euro.

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