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Loipon egw sto maxcheaters isws mpainw kai 2,5 xronia alla me to account zeromaker mpainw tous teleutaious 2 mhnes kai exw parathrhsei oti ton teleutaio miso xrono h poiothta ton Posts einai apo mhdenikh ews tragikh...(thn gnwmh mas leme panta)Ka8e mera an den edw ena new topic pou legetai SPSvsSPHvsNecro kai ta loipa lew "ti egine re paidia?epaise down to site kai den eixame new topics?"epeishs vlepw kainourgia topics me kanena apolutws nohma kai ousiastika SPAM KAI WRONG SECTION...tora parathrhsa ena topic pou legetai Ti dyes na valw ston hell knight?auto mou kanei san erwthsh tou tupou"shmera ti vraki na valw?"emeis 8a sou poume ti dyes kai ti vraki na valeis?epeishs to general discussion einai SIZITISH oxi boi8eia...giauto yparxei to sub forum help akrivws panw apo to main.Ta syni8ismena pleon topics pou vlepw einai ektos apo thn sygkrish paromoiwn clas(opws oi mage)kati akura topics pou lene SPAM SPAM SPAM...Π.Χ Bishop vs spoiler pou den exoun apolutws kamia sxesh....telos gia na anafer8w kai ligo onomatika kai legontas thn gnwmh mou gia na syzhthsoume me to upoloipo community pisteyw oti sthn 8eopoulaFTW a3izei toulaxiston 2-3 karma oxi gia 1 mono topic alla gia na thn boi8eia pou prosferei me mikra posts h me topics ta opoia voi8ane....epeishs 8a i8ela na katakrinw thn epilogh ta sticky topics tou fafoyka (tipota proswpiko aplws gia to 8ema lew)opws ena keimeno 5 sierwn gia to gracia 2...8a eprepe na einai apla post....ean me auth th logikh ginontan etsi ta sticky 8a proteina na zhtousame apo ton fovogr na mas ekane ena topic me screenshots apo ton gracia final pou paizei kai evale merika ss na mas ta dei3ei...pisteyw oti osoi asxolountai me max cheaters einai psagmenoi kai 3eroun ti einai to gracia 2 kai ta chronicles tou l2(toulaixston to 95%  :P)Telos 8a i8ela an ginotan fysika gia thn poiothta kai mono tou greek section ean vlepoume topics opws...ti dyes na valw se auton,poia h gnwmh sas gia ton core,giati o sph kerdizei ton sph se inter,gracia kai ta loipa pou oloi exoume dei apeires fores...






Ola auta ta eipa gia na ekfrasw thn gnwmh mou an nomizete pos einai spam einai arketa megalo kai xronovoro gia na ginei ena tetoio topic spam...8a parakalousa to topic na meinei anoixto gia na akousoume kai alles gnwmes...diafwnies h alles apopseis


As ta paroume me tin seira !



As arxisoume me ta la8os topo8etimena topicS. Otan ena member kanei eggrafi.. einai sto xaos... sta xamena... den kserei pou na kanei post.. merikoi den kseroun KAN PWS na kanoun posts... k merikoi dn mpainoun kan ston kopo na diavasoune ti leei to ka8e section gia na kanoun new topiC. Mpenoun averta.. k postaroun me skopo na lisoun to provlima tous oso pio grigora ginete...


Twra oso gia ta asimanta topics.. file anaferese gia to section genikis sizitiseis.. an dn valoune ta members votes , kai zitane gnwmi gia kati.. ti allo na valeis pes m... 

Edw antalazoume apopseis... k GENIKA gia l2 oti allo uparxei p dn exoun ta alla sections. K kt allo les oti kanoun aniparktes erotiseis.. dn EINAI OLOI PRO... mporei na einai kapoios new st l2.. dn mporei na kserei ta panta..  Oso gia ta dyes einai ontws prosopiki gnwmi k apopsi... alla mporei kapoios na anoiksei ena topic gia na ton proteinei kapoios ti na valei... min trela8oume etC ? Twra merikoi p anoigoun opou na nai k zitane voi8eia.. gia auto ekana to topic st spam section gia na ta kanete report... opoios 8elei.. esy ti paraponiese pio tO provlima s.. An dn s aresei h eikona t section to mono pragma p mporeis na kaneis einai na to kaneis report... 8a voi8ouses poli...


@8eopoulaFTW Koita tin douleia s k ta dikaiomata s san member k ase emas na krinoume ti einai swsto.. k poso karma prepei na exei o ka8enas.. ksefugate...


To idio isxuei k me to  topic t fakoyka... einai ena aplo post.. alla einai kt kainourgio...

k stn geniki sizitisi auta 8a vazoume sticky dn exoume tpt allo... k fovosgr pws legete dn skerw as ekane prwtos to topiC k na eisai sigouros 8a to kaname sticky k xwris screenshot...







nai alla to request genikh boi8eia giati uparxei??pisteyw oti auto gia ta dyes tou hell knight efoson den mas proteinei kati alla mas rwtaei prepei na ginei moved sto genikh boi8eia ;)



PS:auto pou legame gia to karma sou etoimazw ena topicaki ΛΟΥΚΟΥΜΙ  :P...


Arxises pali ta dika sou e ?


Dn zitaei voi8eia agorina... zitaei tin apopsi mas.. ti DYES na valei oxi ti einai ta dyes...

Einai opws ta class ... Necro h spellsinger.. GT  dn exoume oli tn idia apopsi gia ta dyes... pote 8a to pareis xampari...


Etoimase oti 8es...



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