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  • 2 weeks later...

gia na kanw java download prpei leei na exw premium acc kante to fix re pedes


ok to exo kani fix.




nomizo spam dn 8a kano report an to di to topic kanis mod-prepmioum as epile3i aftos timoria :D




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efxaristo gia ta kala sou logia..
  • 3 weeks later...

re paidia otan kano install to mysql sto telos telos m vgazei oti dn mpwrei na treksei to "start service"...giati ? =/

an dokimazis me 5.1mysql dokimase me 5.0 k an me 5.0 dokimase me 5.1
  • 2 weeks later...

ola wrea ola kala...alla sto http://www.portforward.com/cports.htm dn brisko to modem mou.......ti kano tora?

mporeis na me help?

LOL phgaine enakri/ektelesh/grapse cmd/meta ipconfig/ tha sou vgoun 3 ip logika anikse ton explorer grapse mia ip pou tha einai kapos h kapos etsi telos padwn vale to account sou to pass word pigene nat/virtual server anikse tis port pou 8es kai kantes save easy things padws aftos einai enas tropos


LOL phgaine enakri/ektelesh/grapse cmd/meta ipconfig/ tha sou vgoun 3 ip logika anikse ton explorer grapse mia ip pou tha einai kapos h kapos etsi telos padwn vale to account sou to pass word pigene nat/virtual server anikse tis port pou 8es kai kantes save easy things padws aftos einai enas tropos

me prolabes an k pistebo dn exi problima apla etc to kani gia na pari posts..

Exw to Sagem Fast 840.Conn-x. kai einai me usb dn einai asirmato gia na mpw sto oso gia ta post einai to mono pou dn me niazei

off topic:psakse sto portforward i alios pare tilefono tin eteria pou sou parexei internet na sou aniksoun ta ports

  • 2 weeks later...

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