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Pio einai to agaphmenosas tragoudh...

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Kanw afto to topic giati exw bare8ei na akouw ta eidia kai 8ellw na m peite kanena wraio tragoudh na akousw...


RSMV - Comatose

RSMV Frontline

Smell like teen spirit

The Exploited - Fuck the USA

The Exploited - Alternative - Live 2003

Slipknot - Spit it out

Slipknot - Duality

Slipknot - Psychosocial

Slipknot - Vermillion


K.a pllll..


Ola afta einai Rap





[glow=red,2,300]Voria asteria -Neoelhna prosekse kala

Takitsan-ta panta oti exi bgali ola einai gamata

ZN-ta panta oti exoune  bgali ola einai gamato

Xarmanhs-skotini selida[/glow]

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