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low fps


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Greetings everyone, I'm new to these forums and Im very desperate to get higher fps without buying new parts (for now) so any advice/tweaking programs/tips etc. Will be much appreciated, thank you in advance! sorry if this is the wrong forum or this question has been asked before, I tried search but didnt give any results I was wishing for.


take care.


EDIT forgot to add my computer specs:

Windows XP Home SP3

Intel Pentium 4 3Ghz

2Gigs of RAM

NVidia Geforce 7600GT, any other info needed?

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Just good fps for general L2 gaming, and able to PvP with decent FPS. Remember, every tip/trick/tool I would greatly appreciate that could do a boost for the computer performance, I really need this. Thanks for your reply.

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I don't understand what is ur problem. Does ur game run properly ? do u just want to decrease lag ? try using ALT+P while u are in game , also reduce the map detail in the game option

I think ur graphic card is good enough to play with a good image quality

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My problem is that I run the game with bad frames per second, I dont have lag whatsoever. I just want to know somekind of tweaks that would help the frames per second (fps). Maybe modified l2.ini? I dont know what would help except the ingame graphic settings. ALT+P helps only a little.

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most of the programs are off, and I've setted it so L2 uses most of the free memory. Tried to tweak the ingame options but it really didnt do a difference, sadly. But I really appreciate your time to help. Everything I've tried hasnt really make a difference. Keep on replying if you got any ideas.

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Im playing Interlude. But I heard it doesnt matter if I have dual or quad core, the game uses only single core?


LOL... u re playing interlude and u have lagg ? consider change server dude...coz its not ur pc

if u tell me u re playing gracia full details...maybe yes...but for interlude u can run it with a pentium II


dunno really...but i play lot better when i brought it...

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Do you always have low fps?


I have 1 GB RAM and have average fps, when in Giran, which is full of shops and very low fps at sieges... (Hellbound).


If you want to increase your fps, do the following...



NPC range: narrow

And also, remove the mobs/NPC/PC names (This helps amazingly )

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Thank you alot for your input, I will try this out when I get back to home. answer is yes to the question if I always have constant low fps, dont know how its possible but it is. Im pretty much clueless at the moment.

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