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problima me armors/STATS!



katarxas kalimera...prospa8isa x8es afou katebasa tis epic armors apo edw apo to forum kai tis perasa stin database..ola orea ola ok..alla prospa8isa as poume na balw +1000 cp/mp/hp stin ka8e armor kai mou leei ayto otan anoigw gameserver...



episis postarw kai to pws itan to .xml arxeio prin to kanw edit kai pws meta pou to ekana na mou peite an exw kanei kapoio la8os ekei pou ebala ta cp/mp/hp..




<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<item id='96000' name="Epic Dark Knight Heavy Armor">
<add val='425' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/>
<add val='4' order='0x40' stat='CON'>
<using slotitem="96001;9"/>
<using slotitem="96002;12"/>
<using slotitem="96003;6"/>
<add val='1.20' order='0x40' stat='pDef'>
<using slotitem="96001;9"/>
<using slotitem="96002;12"/>
<using slotitem="96003;6"/>
<add val='3' order='0x40' stat='DEX'>
<using slotitem="9601;9"/>
<using slotitem="9602;12"/>
<using slotitem="9603;6"/>
<add val='4' order='0x40' stat='STR'>
<using slotitem="96001;9"/>
<using slotitem="96002;12"/>
<using slotitem="96003;6"/>
<enchant val='10' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/>
<item id='96001' name="Epic Dark Knight Heavy Gloves">
<add val='65' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/>
<enchant val='10' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/>
<item id='96002' name="Epic Dark Knight Heavy Boots">
<add val='65' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/>
<enchant val='10' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/>
<item id='96003' name="Epic Dark Knight Heavy Helmet">
<add val='93' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/>
<enchant val='10' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/>
<item id='96004' name="Epic Dark Knight Leather Armor">
<add val='325' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/>
<add val='4' order='0x40' stat='STR'>
<add val='4' order='0x40' stat='DEX'>
<using slotitem="96007;6"/>
<using slotitem="96006;12"/>
<using slotitem="96005;9"/>
<add val='3' order='0x40' stat='CON'>
<using slotitem="96007;6"/>
<using slotitem="96006;12"/>
<using slotitem="96005;9"/>
<add val='1.14' order='0x50' stat='pDef'>
<using slotitem="96007;6"/>
<using slotitem="96006;12"/>
<using slotitem="96005;9"/>
<enchant val='10' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/>
<item id='96005' name="Epic Dark Knight Leather Gloves">
<add val='60' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/>
<enchant val='10' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/>
<item id='96006' name="Epic Dark Knight Leather Boots">
<add val='60' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/>
<enchant val='10' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/>
<item id='96007' name="Epic Dark Knight Leather Helmet">
<add val='85' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/>
<enchant val='10' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/>
<item id='96008' name="Epic Dark Knight Tunic">
<add val='140' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/>
<add val='500' order='0x40' stat='maxMp'>
<add val='4' order='0x40' stat='WIT'>
<using slotitem="96012;6"/>
<using slotitem="96010;9"/>
<using slotitem="96011;12"/>
<using slotitem="96009;11"/>
<add val='4' order='0x50' stat='INT'>
<using slotitem="96012;6"/>
<using slotitem="96010;9"/>
<using slotitem="96011;12"/>
<using slotitem="96009;11"/>
<add val='3' order='0x40' stat='MEN'>
<using slotitem="96012;6"/>
<using slotitem="96010;9"/>
<using slotitem="96011;12"/>
<using slotitem="96009;11"/>
<add val='1000' order='0x40' stat='maxMp'>
<using slotitem="96012;6"/>
<using slotitem="96010;9"/>
<using slotitem="96011;12"/>
<using slotitem="96009;11"/>
<enchant val='10' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/>
<item id='96009' name="Epic Dark Knight Stockings">
<add val='90' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/>
<add val='50' order='0x40' stat='maxMp'/>
<enchant val='10' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/>
<item id='96010' name="Epic Dark Knight Gloves Robe">
<add val='55' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/>
<add val='25' order='0x40' stat='maxMp'>
<enchant val='10' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/>
<item id='96011' name="Epic Dark Knight Boots Robe">
<add val='55' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/>
<add val='25' order='0x40' stat='maxMp'>
<enchant val='10' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/>
<item id='96012' name="Epic Dark Knight Helmet Robe">
<add val='75' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/>
<add val='25' order='0x40' stat='maxMp'>
<enchant val='10' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/>




<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<item id='96000' name="Epic Dark Knight Heavy Armor">
<add val='700' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/>
<add val='10' order='0x40' stat='CON'>
<using slotitem="96001;9"/>
<using slotitem="96002;12"/>
<using slotitem="96003;6"/>
<add val='1.80' order='0x40' stat='pDef'>
<using slotitem="96001;9"/>
<using slotitem="96002;12"/>
<using slotitem="96003;6"/>
<add val='10' order='0x40' stat='DEX'>
<using slotitem="9601;9"/>
<using slotitem="9602;12"/>
<using slotitem="9603;6"/>
<add val='10' order='0x40' stat='STR'>
<using slotitem="96001;9"/>
<using slotitem="96002;12"/>
<using slotitem="96003;6"/>
<add val='1000' order='0x40' stat='maxCp'>
<add val='1000' order='0x40' stat='maxHp'/>
<add val='1000' order='0x40' stat='maxMp'/>
<enchant val='10' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/>
<item id='96001' name="Epic Dark Knight Heavy Gloves">
<add val='65' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/>
<enchant val='10' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/>
<item id='96002' name="Epic Dark Knight Heavy Boots">
<add val='65' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/>
<enchant val='10' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/>
<item id='96003' name="Epic Dark Knight Heavy Helmet">
<add val='93' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/>
<enchant val='10' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/>
<item id='96004' name="Epic Dark Knight Leather Armor">
<add val='600' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/>
<add val='150' order='0x10' stat='mDef'/>
<add val='10' order='0x10' stat='STR'/>
<add val='10' order='0x40' stat='DEX'>
<using slotitem="96007;6"/>
<using slotitem="96006;12"/>
<using slotitem="96005;9"/>
<add val='10' order='0x40' stat='CON'>
<using slotitem="96007;6"/>
<using slotitem="96006;12"/>
<using slotitem="96005;9"/>
<add val='1.60' order='0x50' stat='pDef'>
<using slotitem="96007;6"/>
<using slotitem="96006;12"/>
<using slotitem="96005;9"/>
<add val='1000' order='0x40' stat='maxCp'>
<add val='1000' order='0x40' stat='maxHp'/>
<add val='1000' order='0x40' stat='maxMp'/>
<enchant val='10' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/>
<item id='96005' name="Epic Dark Knight Leather Gloves">
<add val='60' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/>
<enchant val='10' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/>
<item id='96006' name="Epic Dark Knight Leather Boots">
<add val='60' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/>
<enchant val='10' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/>
<item id='96007' name="Epic Dark Knight Leather Helmet">
<add val='85' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/>
<enchant val='10' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/>
<item id='96008' name="Epic Dark Knight Tunic">
<add val='500' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/>
<add val='1000' order='0x10' stat='maxMp'/>
<add val='10' order='0x40' stat='WIT'>
<using slotitem="96012;6"/>
<using slotitem="96010;9"/>
<using slotitem="96011;12"/>
<using slotitem="96009;11"/>
<add val='10' order='0x50' stat='INT'>
<using slotitem="96012;6"/>
<using slotitem="96010;9"/>
<using slotitem="96011;12"/>
<using slotitem="96009;11"/>
<add val='10' order='0x40' stat='MEN'>
<using slotitem="96012;6"/>
<using slotitem="96010;9"/>
<using slotitem="96011;12"/>
<using slotitem="96009;11"/>
<add val='1000' order='0x40' stat='maxMp'>
<using slotitem="96012;6"/>
<using slotitem="96010;9"/>
<using slotitem="96011;12"/>
<using slotitem="96009;11"/>
<add val='1000' order='0x40' stat='maxCp'/>
<add val='1000' order='0x40' stat='maxHp'/>
<add val='1000' order='0x40' stat='maxMp'/>
<enchant val='10' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/>
<item id='96009' name="Epic Dark Knight Stockings">
<add val='90' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/>
<add val='50' order='0x40' stat='maxMp'/>
<enchant val='10' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/>
<item id='96010' name="Epic Dark Knight Gloves Robe">
<add val='55' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/>
<add val='25' order='0x40' stat='maxMp'>
<enchant val='10' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/>
<item id='96011' name="Epic Dark Knight Boots Robe">
<add val='55' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/>
<add val='25' order='0x40' stat='maxMp'>
<enchant val='10' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/>
<item id='96012' name="Epic Dark Knight Helmet Robe">
<add val='75' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/>
<add val='25' order='0x40' stat='maxMp'>
<enchant val='10' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/>



kamia idea?????:(



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