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Thanks god, this OS saved me last night.

I was making some modifications on Windows since I realized it was time to restart.The problem is that, being a Human, forced me to make a good mistake :).I replaced LogonUI.exe with one of mine, hoping the background will change, but I was wrong.Now windows are not able to boot as an Application Error comes up:


LogonUI.exe - Application Error


and some words here saying that the application could not be launched.


So, I booted from Ubuntu (God helped me.I installed them before a week again) and now the problem is that I can't open C: drive and enable the .old file which will make windows launch again.There are the options:


a) Force Mount the drive risking of losing data

b) Try to boot from a LiveCD and make a System Restore (I still can't find that LiveCD from ACER or winVISTA)

c) Format all!


So, option C is obviously not the best, but I'm going to end there as I can't find a solution with a,b.I dunno how to force Mount in Ubuntu, I can't find how to.I can't find the LiveCD which will be able to Restore my system.


Any Solution on this problem will be great :)



I installed linuX ubuntus system operation before 3 days to my another pC :P


I heard that the programs are free to download ? all ? If yes... how  ? =D (BoreD OF WAreZ)





Yes they're free and all Open-Source.

The first you should download is Wine :) Google it :)



magaki, i dont think sos.

You can run progz for windows in linux with an emulator, called "wine", but it won't be as fast as in xp.


He said exactly the same thing.


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