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1. Initial considerations.


My goal is to complete work to inexperienced, through basic and tips that may benefit and refresh the most experienced of CUCA. All that I am writing on it, or you can follow or not, are not absolute truths, but are good strategies, and they all confirmed for me and functional in any RPG, is a table or virtual, with adaptations is bright. Some things are obvious, but I hope to help many. All content is my own, and use or reproduce as well understand, reminding me to send a hi end.


2. Functions.


Lineage of each character has a specific function. This function usually follow their best abilities, either defense, attack or aid.




Also known as Tankers. They are the walls, the best on defense. A good friend of mine loves blockers, exciting finds are in the middle of beating, and have more chance of going back and not teleporter from there.

In the lineage blockers are classified as: Paladin, Dark Avenger, Elven Shillien Knight Templar and, as tankers swordsinger the side and bladedancer falling because it has the skill agression.

His role in a party that is caring for the monsters (mobs) not attacking the Damage Dealers (see DD. Using his skills of LURE (agression, aura of hate and the like) they "pretend" threaten more than the monsters Damage Dealers .

Keep in mind that their function is to protect the party, and not a witless lurando mobs, leave this service for those who have skills. A tanker needs to manage well their mana, so you can use agression (generally speaking) where needed. Try to use ultimate defense only if their lives to reach 1 / 3, and then signal to the healer do his best configuration of trabalho.A party for tankers in a raid Boss is: tanker, tanker backup or secondary (preferably to swordsinger), healer (s), recharge (preference for the elder elven cast speed).


A tanker secondary age when:


* The tanker is AKF

* The tanker died and is gaining RESS / buffs

* The tanker is with the low mana

* A mob attacks the other party


2.2. Healers


Not just mending and stitching, it has to heal. The exciting guys healing as boring as the upar tankers, but from people who use them as chars primary, since you play with one, will love to use them. Healers are those who have advanced magic cure, no use or come with wizards with prophets, their cures can break a branch, but is not custurar mending and healing.

In Lineage, the main healers are the Bishop and Elven elder, healer and secondary are the elder Shillien (more efficient), the prophet and the orcs mystics (last 3 less efficient).


The main function of the healer is to keep alive the tanker (The TANK), USA is the magic with restraint, and to administer the mana, but it should not be economic, the appropriate cure, Partys with economic healers just dying. Take care in time to heal, cure exparsadamente search, so that the monster does not turn on you, because the cure blocker makes you become a threat to the monster. Use the magic of healing strongest available, and where the cure life get in the middle, do not get your attention the blocker, leave the rest of the party for the healers and buffers secondary cure. If there is an unexpected, cure is only when the mosntro turn to the tanker again, because it will increase heal their threat against the monster. The ideal here is a secondary healer save your skin. If a mob turn on another char the group, as a Damage Dealer or Nuker, not the cure, wait for the tanker draw the monster, and focuses on the tanker.


A secondary healer will act when:

* Healer is AFK

* Healer died and is gaining RESS / buff

* The healer is with the low mana

* Curing other members of the party that no tanker.




The power of this group is to give power to others. Buffers avoid that we spend costly amounts of adena and hours and hours more upando. Nor are the difference between life and death in a PVP. The buffer is not that good with an absurd number of skills, but he knows that play their role, who knows who will do best with what buff.


The buffers in the primary lineage are: Prophet, warcryer and shilien elder. The secondary buffers are the elven elder, the Overlord and buffers / swordsinger tankers and bladedancer.


The main function of the buffer is to let others with certain buffs, saving enough mana to heal an emergency or a recharge. An efficient way to use a buffer (s) in full or partys raid partys the buffer is only who will be in use. Never forget to bring in tanker acumen, their debuffs / agressions be faster, meanwhile, magicians will really only need the concentration, acumen, bersek Spirit, bless and empower the soul, if the mob does not give magic in area, in this case , to resist and this element has already solved.

In the case of buffer side, they are used in specific cases in elven elders pullers / lurers and Overlords in mass PVP normally, where there are no buffer time for everyone, as swordsingers and bladedancers the first party in the tanker, and second in the nukers.


2.4.Damage dealers


Known as DD, are crude in combating infighting, and usually a headache in the 1x1, do your part here is what they do the best: destroy x).

The main lineage of Damage Dealers are: Warlords, gladiators, destroyers and tirants. The Damage Dealers are the side Daggers, followed by dwarves and summoners (so).

Summoners are enquandram in this class because their summons cause large amounts of damage, but are not as archers or wizards, not nukers.

There are 2 main rules for the DA's party:

1: Hold the Tanker stop the mob. Your service is not tank, and even if you can, is not its function. Save money with pots and light in ss / bess, and save the mana of healers, of which depends on the tanker.

2: Do not detone their skills with mana. Give only normal attacks. That their skills are phodonas everyone knows, but save them for when the boss is almost dying, or when the warm weather with more than a mob on top of the party. Apart from this huge damage attracting the monster / boss up to you. If the enemy does not turn for you run like a chicken-crazy towards healers. is stopped, turn off the ss / bess and tap normally used potions, until the tanker draw the enemy from above and you can be cured by healers secondary.




A hand gesture can be more powerful than a sword when it is a Nuker, is releasing an accurate arrow, or conjurando a ball of fire. Nukers are the power in person, unfortunately, its defensive power is proportional inversamentre are some butter if compared to others. Your job is to do what they know best: pile damage as it move up in the tanker.

The main nukers are three archers and mages (necro, spellsinger, spellhowller and witchcraft), the nukers side are: Overlord warcryer and Daggers with bows.

His power is stacked to cause damage, and a safe distance. So look for the best stay away from "muvuca" of combat, so that the enemy until you turn on the tanker is easy to attract him back. Use normal magic does not give vortex of flares and start, leave it at critical moments. If the mob turn toward his party, use the rule of DD, not run as a cheap, only to stop attacking and wait. Note: Item 2 of the rule also applies to archers DD: No detone their skills with mana, the same reasons cited above.


2.6.O lurer / pull


The batter of the group (no, not beat him, he seeks). He will choose which mob will be attacked by the party, or the boss to attract local open. You have to be fast on race, and even more quickly and on impromptu thinking. Daggers were specially made for this, silent move is the "gold" to enter auma room with many mobs where what you want in this way, as does LURE role. Always run toward the tanker, but never directly in front, but in a way that is easy for him to get the target. Never, never more than a mob LURE, if this happens, attracts them to the tanker, and pray for him to hold the two mana for the aura of hate, if you give shit, run away from the group in open field and without other mobs, so you can use fake death or dying, RESS receive more easily.

Lurers / Pullers side can be archers or tirants.

After "lurar" the enemy, there are two paths that can be followed: join the DA's, or draw a bow and join the nukers usually Daggers tirants are human and with the DA's and Daggers elfor and dark elves come together to Nukers, from this point, it follows the same rule of that group to join.


2.7. Final considerations


Some more tips to be followed by all:


1: The welfare of the party / group is more important than the welfare of the individual. It is flat die, but die saving the other, not taking them with you.


2: Try to select a party leader (or the leader has qualities), listen Q ue the leader has to speak, and the orders that he move, contrary their orders only if it is harming the group, and if this is not you harm. Meanness or selfishness ( "I send you, weak") end up taking what would be an exciting raid party to be a total disaster.


3: Do your job. You are a DD, but the blocker does not do the service right, do not try to do better. Lurer not have, do not send the blocker that he will end the whole Dungeon behind him. and finally: A Prophet does not replace a bishop healing the tanker against Antharas.


Following these tips, your grow up in mobs to 10 leveis above, with ease and without additional expense, or will be an extremely efficient killing Raid / Boss.

No more ...

Have fun

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