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Exp : 500x
Sp : 500x
Adena : 500x
Drop : 10x
Timezone of Server GMT-1

Enchant and Chance Augment

Safe Enchant : +4
Maximum Enchant : +16
Normal Scrolls Rate (Maximum Enchant +12) : 70%

Blessed Scrolls Rate (Maximum Enchant +12) : 100%
If it fails returns to +4

Crystal Scrolls Rate (Maximum Enchant +16) : 40%
If it fails returns to +4

Top Life Stone Rate : 20%
High Life Stone Rate : 10%
1 Active + 1 Passive Augment Skill

Gameplay Settings

Easy Farm | Interlude NO CUSTOM
Instant Level 80 / Subclass
Max Buff Slot 36+4 | Buff Time 4h
No Weigh Limit | No Clan Penalty
Max Clans on Alliance 3
Advanced NPC Buffer with full buffs and counting buff slots
Unique Vote Machine
Armor | Weapon Mastery Penalty
Block-Buff Skill | Retail Skills | Skills working 90%
Flawless Geodata & Pathnotes
Max Subclasses 6 [ Free Subclass & Free proffesion ]
Daily PvP player [ Every 24 Hours ]
Party Event (Lifestones, Books, Scrolls, Event's)
Mass PvP Zone [ x3 Spawns ]

Raid / Epic Zone Limit: (18) 2 Partys per Clan/Ally.
Party Zone Limit: (27) 3 Partys per Clan/Ally.
You can only go to the farm with 1 customer per (PC).

Epic Boss Spawn Hours Fixed's


Boss Name: Spawn Hours
Ant Queen: Daily 19h15 BR | 01h15 GR | 21:15 CV
Orfen: Daily 18h40 BR | 00h40 GR | 20:40 CV
Core: Daily 18h10 BR | 00h10 GR | 20:10 CV
Zaken: Daily 20h00 BR | 02h00 GR | 22:00 CV
Frintezza: Every 2 days 20h30 BR | 02h30 GR | 22:30 CV
Baium: Every 2 days 20h30 BR | 02h30 GR | 22:30 CV
Antharas: Every 3 days 21h00 BR | 03h00 GR | 23:00 CV
Valakas: Every 3 days 20h30 BR | 02h30 GR | 22:30 CV

Team Vs Team

2 in 2 Hour

Tournament Time [ Duration 60 Minute]

Cabo Verde: 17:00 | 20:30 | 01:30
Brazil/Argentina: 15:00 | 18:30 | 23:30
Greece: 21:00 | 00:30 | 05:30

Party Event Time [ Duration 60 minutes ]

Cabo Verde: 18:00 | 22:00 | 02:00
Brazil/Argentina: 16:00 | 20:00 | 00:00
Greece: 22:00 | 02:00 | 06:00

Olympiad Time and Configs

Cabo Verde: 20:00 at 02:00
Brazil/Argentina: 18:00 at 00:00
Greece: 00:00 at 06:00

Olympiad Max Enchant Status: +6
Olympiad Item: A/S-Grade
Olympiad Buffers [ Only basic buffs, Maximum 5 selected buffs ]
Olympiad auto skill reuse on every match
Olympiad Minimum fights to become HERO: 9 Fights
Olympiad Minimum points to become HERO: 4 Points

Siege Period

Cabo Verde: 15:00 | 16:00 | 18:00
Brazil/Argentina: 13:00 | 14:00 | 16:00
Greece: 19:00 | 20:00 | 22:00

1 in 1Week
[ 70 minutes duration ]





Edited by Kaayツ

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