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[SHARE] eL2Walker 2.05 GRACIA 2 [Works with L2J!!!]

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1. Step, donwload L2W from here:

http://www.4shared.com/file/72755482/f459647/IG_Walker.html © Mandachunbo

2. Step, donwload no-gg patch from here:

http://mfyyre.narod.ru/ct2pt2_nogg.rar'>http://mfyyre.narod.ru/ct2pt2_nogg.rar © Fyyre

3. Step, download last version of l2endec from here:

http://www.l2wh.com/dstuff/public/common/l2encdec_292.zip, unzip it into system folder and then go to start, execute and write cmd

a MSDOS window will appear, enter in MSDOS window cd path where u have your system folder.

for instance:

cd C:\Program Files\Lineage II\system

then press enter, and then write patcher.exe -f

Wait until process is finished.

4. Step, download this l2.exe and unzip it on your system folder:

http://mfyyre.narod.ru/l2disablenc_ct2pt2.rar'>http://mfyyre.narod.ru/l2disablenc_ct2pt2.rar credits to Fyyre again (this is a clean l2.exe, without Themida protection and free of threats and viruses)

5. Step, donwload this:


and unzip it into your system folder, so it will fix the 30 seconds disconnection

6. Step, execute l2walker.exe and run it, log in, and press home in your keyboard go to other settings first option u will se verify ok.


You have system patched with no gameguard and also ur system folder now can accept files as colors messages or npc level/agro.


Visit http://mfyyre.narod.ru/ for his shares.

Credits to: mandachumbo [l2walker]

               Fyyre [no-gg+30seconds fix+l2.exe without viruses theats]

               DStuff [l2endec]

               Me for the guide.

Hope it will stickied.


Edit: Added direct link to l2endec.

the 4shared link, isn't works.

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