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Server Development Discussion Rules.

NOTE: Ignorance of the rules is not an excuse for breaking them.


Section Rules:

- Your topic MUST incluse a Prefix.


1) 4txVBbh.png If you're discussing about any matter, considering L2J.

2) dltyGwJ.png For open-source projects.

3)upZE3NF.png If you're posting a guide.


- Double/triple/quadruple posts are NOT allowed. This considered as spam and you will be punished. If you want to add/remove something you can simply edit your last reply.


- Off Topic replies are NOT allowed. Member's reply will be deleted and moderators have the right to warn them if the member continuously going Off-Topic.


- Hate, Racism, "Bulling" and any other abusive behavior comments are NOT allowed. If you don't like something you can simple ignore the topic and move on. If you want to discuss about something you have to discuss properly in order to maintain everyone's healty mood.


- You're not allowed to make a new post within 24 hours from your last post. If you want to bring your topic back to top you have to use our Bump Button.gpDLtjE.png


Section Notes:

- In this section you can advertise your own L2J Private Project as long as it's stable enough to be worked on and has its own website and/or forum.


- If you advertise your project it MUST contain only the project name. Example: dltyGwJ.pngL2jMaxCheaters.


- You cannot share codes, npcs, etc here you can only show previews of your works. If you want to share a code, npc or anything else related to Server Files and Java you can make a post to our Server Shares & Files [L2J] section.


- You cannot ask for help here. If you want to ask for help you can make a post to our Request Server Development Help [L2J] section


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