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script problem (For expirienced)


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i dont know if u ever tryed make script for leveling crystals, i do and there is some kind of game bug i guess lets say the bot stuck on :





[glow=red,2,300]DLGSEL("Yes, please, may I have another?")[/glow]


DLGSEL(Red Soul Crystal)



dont tell me something like "omg u wrong rewrited" or "there must be a single letter wrong" or "u cant take crystal when u already have one in inventory"

trust me, i was looking at the sentence for 1 hour in script file and in the game and its perfectly the same


so what is wrong than ?

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if you have one cry in your inventory you cant take another from the npc

When u already have crystal in inventory than different html appear, read whole topic, i mentioned to do not post senceless answers.

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he is right, and szpicu you sound quite arrogant for someone posting in the wrong section

Listen, topic says "for Expirienced", if u have no idea, dont post, if u want say "check if u dont have 2 crystals in inventory" dont post eighter... im not arrogant, im telling you that post like this is attempt to insult. Look what i mentioned in first post "no senceless answers" and this is wrong section ? This is not CRY-FOR-HELP topic.

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Listen, topic says "for Expirienced", if u have no idea, dont post, if u want say "check if u dont have 2 crystals in inventory" dont post eighter... im not arrogant, im telling you that post like this is attempt to insult. Look what i mentioned in first post "no senceless answers" and this is wrong section ? This is not CRY-FOR-HELP topic.


The section criteria is very simple


Am I posting a share?

If it's not a share, it's wrong section


As for your problem, I can't even see why you would want to programmatically get crystals from NPC


The most efficient way to bot crystals is to get a bunch, box a char to carry them all, and set the box to give a crystal on AutoTrade, set your main to AutoTrade when you have >0 Crystal Lv1, do this for every crystal then change your main for >0 Crystal Lv2, until all your crystals are desired level


And see, your second post was arrogant again


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did you try the record button?


If you did, sometimes all you need is either a space before the sentence or after the sentence... sometimes two.


Trust me i've done lots of scripting in my days.


but sltbnjr is right, this should be in the help section.

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did you try the record button?


If you did, sometimes all you need is either a space before the sentence or after the sentence... sometimes two.


Trust me i've done lots of scripting in my days.


but sltbnjr is right, this should be in the help section.


gotcha, thx


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