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[Guide] Learn how to make armors/weapons with custom texture with unreal

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3lackheart and yiannis93


but i can't :( ... eh thx :)


my friend had the same problem... i mean the utpt didnt show his textures.

Btw i follow the steps as my guide says and it works as i told you take the texture y want from systextures folder , u fix it with utx fixer and u open the fixed utx with utpt. Btw not all utx opens...


Good job dude this Guide is realy cool and i learned some new stuff from it. maybe i will post some of my works soon =]


EDIT: Dude when i push Save it show me table whit this text (The FileName you specified has one or more space in it. Unreal filenames cannot contain spaces) what i should do? :(


Nice guide with more matterial and pictures than the Killer_oo7 guide!

Great job!!!


(And i stuck on Killers guide somewhere hope i wont here!xD)


PS:Is it me or i become more serious each day :S


i dont use .... i reinstaled unreal and it works fine but in game my work looks whit no color dunno whats wrong ;/


you put wrong the textures...

You must put the shader name on texture line in

armorgrp or weapongrp(for example where it says LineageWeaponsTex.arcana_mace..... you change it to yourutxname.yourshadername and its ok :)

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi yiannis93 !

I want to modify an Hellbound armor so if i want to extract the armor with UTPT it is giving me the Draconic armor in pieces !

upbody,lowbody,gloves,boots and an other thing is when i want to import them with unreal 2 it doesn`t import me the ori+sp ant the texture just ori+texture or sp+texture is that normal?


And an other thing is how do i import them back?... or i just have to put them in systexture with a difrent name on them after i encrypt them in encdec folder??


ori and sp are both texture. The main is the ori,sp is another thing but you will need it sometimes. All armors are in parts and they have the same id like dragonic= 079 or something like that.Btw to import them back you need to have UnrealED and import them there and save it as utx.Some boots or gloves or weapons dont have sp so u ll need just ori. Ok if you have any other question ask :P

UnrealED is the 1st download from this post.


*PS about that it doesnt import you both sp or ori its that you should rename the armor into a smaller name. Because the name of texture is too long thats why it doesnt imports you both


thank you allot !!!

your answer is very helpful  such your guide is !

soon i`l post a picture with my armor ;)

thnx again for everything!


Np mate! Im glad to help people, my pleasure... :)

Have fun editing armors/weapons! ;)


ammm .. i still have a problem added all parts of armor in systexture after i made them but i can`t see the armor on player only in inventory (i edited the armorgrp, made sql, made xml)



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