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Hello everyone, i got a few questions since am a person that never used bots before and it gets quite complicated on some threads ihve read so far.



So about adrenaline. 


1: It states that buying a  1 box key works only on servers without smart guard. (How offten do servers use smart guard, is it a worthy buy to go for 1 key or are you going to be blocked on most servers?*e-global* recent one am most curious about)




2:Many people on these forums have said that botting without scripts is useless since you need be to checking your pc regulary which kinda makes sense.


Would i have to buy scripts in addition to buying adrenaline and how hard are they to put in use for someone with zero experience? 



3:You need to be smart when botting especialy on a fresh opened server is what most say, however theres a CAPTCHA system going on around and apparently some can bypass that.


Do i have to also buy that bypass, is it hard to use, how can i know from who to buy it without being scammed?



Ild like to thank anyone in advance for your answers, for those who will say google it, i did google my questions however most of the people in the botting forums are quite experience so theres not that many newbie questions.


I hope it didnt have to come to this but seems like nowadays the only way to be competitive is to bot aswell.



*I havent bough anything but i will be buying it soon as long as these questions are cleared and am considering paying someone for in person guide about how to properly use the bot*

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