When you click to create the account simply nothing happens, but if I access the site directly from the server the account is usually created by the site.
Can someone explain to me how to configure this file so that the iis 7 create accounts?
code: conn.asp
' Setting Info
' ms_sql_server_host_addr = MS SQL database address
' sql_server_username = MS SQL account
' sql_server_password = MS SQL password
' lin2db = Account database
' lin2world = Player information database
dim sql_server_username,sql_server_password,lin2db,line2world
dim lin2db_conn,lin2world_conn
dim sys_type
'-------------------------------Change below--------------------------------
'MS SQL Database address
ms_sql_server_host_addr = "l2c4auth.servegame.com"
'MS SQL account
sql_server_username = "sa"
'MS SQL password
sql_server_password = "gStxkds96743"
'Lin2db database(user_auth)
lin2db = "lin2db"
'Lin2world database(user_data)
lin2world = "lin2world"
' Encrypt or decrypt L2AuthD(otherwise will say password not match)
' 1) When using L2AuthD_encrypt.zip then set sys_type = "encrypt"
' 2) When using L2AuthD_decrypt.zip then set sys_type = "none"
sys_type = "encrypt"
'------------------------------DO NOT Change below--------------------------
if checkZuJian <> 1 then
response.write "<font color=blue>Please run 'reg.bat' in the ActiveX folder!"
response.end 'exit
end if
set lin2db_conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.CONNECTION")
lin2db_conn.open "driver={SQL Server};server="&ms_sql_server_host_addr&"; uid="&sql_server_username&";pwd="&sql_server_password&";database="&lin2db
set lin2world_conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.CONNECTION")
lin2world_conn.open "driver={SQL Server};server="&ms_sql_server_host_addr&"; uid="&sql_server_username&";pwd="&sql_server_password&";database="&lin2world
sub close_conn()
set lin2db_conn = nothing
set lin2world_conn = nothing
end sub
function checkstr(oldstr)
checkstr = replace(oldstr & "", Chr(39), Chr(39)&Chr(39))
end function
function checkZuJian()
dim obj
on error resume next
set obj=CreateObject("shotgraph.image")
if -2147221005 = Err then
response.write "<font color=red>Please run 'install.exe' in the ActiveX folder!</font><br>"
checkZuJian = -1 'not support
checkZuJian = 1 'supprot success
end if
set obj = nothing
end function
code: register.asp
<%@ LANGUAGE = VBScript.Encode %>
<!--#include file="conn.asp"-->
<!--#include file="config.asp"-->
<!--#include file="l2pass.asp"-->
<!--#include file="inc/header.inc"-->
<!--#include file="inc/foot.inc"-->
<!--#include file="inc/left.inc"-->
<!--#include file="inc/right.inc"-->
dim newaccount,newpassword,newemail,question1,question2,newanswer1,newanswer2,errmsg
dim regsucc
dim account_err,password_err,quiz1_err,quiz2_err,answer1_err,answer2_err,email_err,err_msg
regsucc = false
if trim(request("action")) = "regist" and trim(request("account")) <> "" then
newaccount = trim(request("account"))
newpassword = LCase(trim(request("pwd")))
newemail = trim(request("email"))
question1 = trim(request("quiz1"))
answer1 = trim(request("answer1"))
question2 = trim(request("quiz2"))
answer2 = trim(request("answer2"))
regsucc = true
if len(newaccount)<4 or len(newaccount)>14 then
account_err = "<font color=red><< Error</font>"
regsucc = false
newaccount = replace(newaccount, "'", "''")
end if
if len(newpassword)<5 or len(newpassword)>16 then
password_err = "<font color=red><< Error</font>"
regsucc = false
end if
if len(newpassword) <> len(request("re_pwd")) then
password_err "<font color=red><< Your passwords do not match!</font>"
regsucc = false
end if
if len(question1)<4 or len(question1)>250 then
quiz1_err = "<font color=red><< Error</font>"
regsucc = false
question1 = replace(question1, "'", "''")
end if
if len(question2)<4 or len(question2)>250 then
quiz2_err = "<font color=red><< Error</font>"
regsucc = false
question2 = replace(question2, "'", "''")
end if
if len(answer1)<4 or len(answer1)>16 then
answer1_err = "<font color=red><< Error</font>"
regsucc = false
end if
if len(answer2)<4 or len(answer2)>16 then
answer2_err = "<font color=red><< Error</font>"
regsucc = false
end if
if len(newemail)<4 or len(newemail)>16 then
email_err = "<font color=red><< Error</font>"
regsucc = false
newemail = replace(newemail, "'", "''")
end if
if regsucc then
if regaccount(newaccount,newpassword,newemail,question1,question2,answer1,answer2) = 0 then
regsucc = true
regsucc = false
err_msg = "That account name is already reserved. Please try another account name.<BR>"
end if
regsucc = false
err_msg = "Data false. Please try again!"
end if
end if
call Page_Header(WEB_SIT_NAME)
<table width="768" height="130" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<table width="770" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" background="images/index_bg01.gif"><tr>
<td valign="top"><% call index_left %></td>
<td valign="top" bgcolor="#FAE6A9">
<div style="width: 375; height:370; overflow: auto;">
if not regsucc then
call ShowRegForm
response.write "<br><br><font color=blue>Your account has been made!!</font>"
end if
<td width="21" valign="top"><% call index_right %></td>
call Page_Foot
function createssn()
createssn = INT(10000000000000 * RND)
end function
function regaccount(account,password,email,qst1,qst2,asw1,asw2)
dim query
dim rs
dim ssn
dim enpass
ssn = createssn%>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="./inc/I_C_R.asp"-->
query = "SELECT account FROM [user_auth] WHERE account='"&account&"'"
set rs = server.createobject("ADODB.RECORDSET")
rs.open query, lin2db_conn, 1, 1
if not rs.eof then
regaccount = 1 'error
enc_pw = encrypt(password)
enc_asw1 = encrypt(asw1)
enc_asw2 = encrypt(asw2)
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="./inc/I_C_R.asp"-->
query = "INSERT INTO [ssn](ssn,name,email,job,phone,zip,addr_main,addr_etc,account_num) VALUES('"&ssn&"','"&account&"','"&email&"',0,'telphone','123456','','',1)"
lin2db_conn.execute query
query = "INSERT INTO [user_account](account,pay_stat) VALUES('"&account&"',1)"
lin2db_conn.execute query
query = "INSERT INTO [user_info](account,ssn,kind) VALUES('"&account&"','"&ssn&"',99)"
lin2db_conn.execute query
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="./inc/I_C_R.asp"-->
query = "INSERT INTO [user_auth](account,password,quiz1,quiz2,answer1,answer2) VALUES('"&account&"',"&enc_pw&",'"&qst1&"','"&qst2&"',"&enc_asw1&","&enc_asw2&")"
lin2db_conn.execute query
regaccount = 0
end if
set rs = nothing
end function
sub ShowRegForm
<FORM name=frmMain action="<%=Request.ServerVariables("URL")%>?action=regist" method=post>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=90%
align=center border=0>
<DIV align=center><FONT color=red><B>
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript1.2>
<!-- Begin
function initArray() {
this.length = initArray.arguments.length;
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
this[i] = initArray.arguments[i];
if err_msg <>"" then
response.write "<br><br>" & err_msg & "!"
account_err="<font color=red><< Please try again."
end if
var speed = 100;
var x = 0;
var color = new initArray(
if(navigator.appName == "Netscape") {
document.write('<layer id="c"><center>'+ctext+'</center></layer><br>');
if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1){
document.write('<div id="c"><center><b>'+ctext+'</b></center></div>');
function chcolor(){
if(navigator.appName == "Netscape") {
document.c.document.write('<center><strong><font color="'+color[x]);
else if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1){
document.all.c.style.color = color[x];
(x < color.length-1) ? x++ : x = 0;
// End -->
<SCRIPT language=Javascript>
function next()
k = tt(frmMain.account.value);
alert("Your account should be between 4 and 14 characters, containing only letters and numbers, and starting with a letter!");
frmMain.account.value = "";
alert("Account should be between 4 and 14 characters, containing only letters and numbers, and starting with a letter!");
frmMain.account.value = "";
if (!IsDC(k))
alert("Account should be between 4 and 14 characters, containing only letters and numbers, and starting with a letter!");
frmMain.account.value = "";
if (frmMain.pwd.value!=frmMain.re_pwd.value)
alert("Passwords do not match. Please try again.");
frmMain.pwd.value = "";
frmMain.re_pwd.value = "";
k = tt(frmMain.pwd.value);
if (k.length<4)
alert("Password should be between 5 and 16 characters, containing only letters and numbers, and starting with a letter!");
frmMain.pwd.value = "";
frmMain.re_pwd.value = "";
if (k.length>16)
alert("Password should be between 5 and 16 characters, containing only letters and numbers, and starting with a letter!");
frmMain.pwd.value = "";
frmMain.re_pwd.value = "";
k = tt(frmMain.quiz1.value);
if (k.length<4){
alert("Hint questions should be between 4 and 255 characters!");
frmMain.quiz1.value = "";
if (k.length>250){
alert("Hint questions should be between 4 and 255 characters!");
frmMain.quiz1.value = "";
k = tt(frmMain.answer1.value);
if (k.length<4){
alert("Hint questions should be between 4 and 255 characters!");
frmMain.answer1.value = "";
if (k.length>16){
alert("Hint answers should be between 4 and 16 characters!");
frmMain.answer1.value = "";
k = tt(frmMain.quiz2.value);
if (k.length<4){
alert("Hint questions should be between 4 and 250 characters!");
frmMain.quiz2.value = "";
if (k.length>250){
alert("Hint questions should be between 4 and 250 characters!");
frmMain.quiz2.value = "";
k = tt(frmMain.answer2.value);
if (k.length<4){
alert("Hint answers should be between 4 and 16 characters!");
frmMain.answer2.value = "";
if (k.length>16){
alert("Hint answers should be between 4 and 16 characters!");
frmMain.answer2.value = "";
k = tt(frmMain.email.value);
if (k.length<4){
alert("Security text should be between 4 and 20 characters!");
frmMain.email.value = "";
if (k.length>20){
alert("Security text should be between 4 and 20 characters!");
frmMain.email.value = "";
function input_confirm(textbox)
/*if ((event.keyCode < 48 || event.keyCode > 57) && (event.keyCode < 96 || event.keyCode > 105)&&(event.keyCode < 65 || event.keyCode > 90)&&(event.keyCode < 97 || event.keyCode > 122)&&(event.keyCode!=8)&&(event.keyCode!=9)&&(event.keyCode!=46))
alert("Letters and numbers only!");
event.returnValue = false;
<SCRIPT language=VBscript>
function tt(str)
tt = trim(str)
end function
function IsD(str)
for i = 1 to len(str)
if Asc(mid(str,i,1))<48 or Asc(mid(str,i,1))>57 then
checkD = false
exit function
end if
checkD = true
end function
function IsDC(str)
for i = 1 to len(str)
dd = Asc(mid(str,i,1))
if dd<48 or (dd>57 and dd<65) or (dd>90 and dd<97) or dd>122 then
IsDC = false
exit function
end if
IsDC = true
end function
<TD> </TD>
<TD> </TD>
<TABLE width="354" border=0
align=center cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0>
<TD colSpan=3 width="354"></TD>
<TD width=145>
<DIV align=right><FONT
color=#5a595a>Account </FONT></DIV></TD>
<TD width="210"><INPUT
style="BORDER-RIGHT: #7f9db9 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #7f9db9 1px solid; FONT-SIZE: 12px; BACKGROUND: #ffffff; BORDER-LEFT: #7f9db9 1px solid; WIDTH: 100px; BORDER-BOTTOM: #7f9db9 1px solid; HEIGHT: 16px; text-valign: middle" value="<%=request("account")%>"
maxLength=14 size=14 name=account> <%=account_err%></TD>
<TD width=73> </TD>
<TD width="147">
<DIV align=left></DIV></TD>
<TD colSpan=2 width="287">
color=#ff0000>Account should be between 4 and 14 characters, containing only letters and numbers, and starting with a letter!</FONT></TD>
<TD width=145>
<DIV align=right><FONT
color=#5a595a>Password </FONT></DIV></TD>
<TD width="210"><INPUT
style="BORDER-RIGHT: #7f9db9 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #7f9db9 1px solid; FONT-SIZE: 12px; BACKGROUND: #ffffff; BORDER-LEFT: #7f9db9 1px solid; WIDTH: 100px; BORDER-BOTTOM: #7f9db9 1px solid; HEIGHT: 16px; text-valign: middle" value="<%=request("pwd")%>"
type=password maxLength=16 size=12 name=pwd> <%=password_err%>
<TD width=73> </TD>
<TD width=145>
<DIV align=right><FONT
color=#5a595a>Confirm Password </FONT></DIV></TD>
<TD width="210"><INPUT
style="BORDER-RIGHT: #7f9db9 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #7f9db9 1px solid; FONT-SIZE: 12px; BACKGROUND: #ffffff; BORDER-LEFT: #7f9db9 1px solid; WIDTH: 100px; BORDER-BOTTOM: #7f9db9 1px solid; HEIGHT: 16px; text-valign: middle" value="<%=request("re_pwd")%>"
type=password maxLength=16 size=12 name=re_pwd>
<TD width=73> </TD>
<TD width="148">
<DIV align=left><FONT
<TD colSpan=2 width="286">
color=#ff0000>Password should be between 5 and 16 characters, containing only letters and numbers, and starting with a letter!</font></TD>
<td height="" width="145"><div align="right"><font color="#5A595A">Question 1 </font></div></td>
<td height="" colspan="2" width="285">
<input type="text" name="quiz1" id="quiz1" maxlength="18" style="BORDER-RIGHT: #7F9DB9 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #7F9DB9 1px solid; FONT-SIZE: 12px; BACKGROUND: #ffffff; BORDER-LEFT: #7F9DB9 1px solid; WIDTH: 130px; BORDER-BOTTOM: #7F9DB9 1px solid; HEIGHT: 16px; text-valign: middle" value="<%=request("quiz1")%>lineage2" size="20"> <%=quiz1_err%>
<td height="30" width="145"><div align="right"><font color="#5A595A">Answer 1 </font></div></td>
<td height="30" width="210">
<input type="text" name=answer1 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #7F9DB9 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #7F9DB9 1px solid; FONT-SIZE: 12px; BACKGROUND: #ffffff; BORDER-LEFT: #7F9DB9 1px solid; WIDTH: 200px; BORDER-BOTTOM: #7F9DB9 1px solid; HEIGHT: 16px; text-valign: middle" value="<%=request("answer1")%>lineage2" size="20"> <%=answer1_err%>
<td height="30" width="73">
<td height="30" width="145"><div align="right"><font color="#5A595A">Question 2 </font></div></td>
<td height="30" colspan="2" width="285">
<input type="text" name="quiz2" id="quiz2" maxlength="18" style="BORDER-RIGHT: #7F9DB9 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #7F9DB9 1px solid; FONT-SIZE: 12px; BACKGROUND: #ffffff; BORDER-LEFT: #7F9DB9 1px solid; WIDTH: 130px; BORDER-BOTTOM: #7F9DB9 1px solid; HEIGHT: 16px; text-valign: middle" value="<%=request("quiz2")%>lineage2" size="20"> <%=quiz2_err%>
<td height="30" width="145"><div align="right"><font color="#5A595A">Answer 2 </font></div></td>
<td height="30" colspan="2" width="285">
<input type="text" name=answer2 maxlength="1500" style="BORDER-RIGHT: #7F9DB9 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #7F9DB9 1px solid; FONT-SIZE: 12px; BACKGROUND: #ffffff; BORDER-LEFT: #7F9DB9 1px solid; WIDTH: 200px; BORDER-BOTTOM: #7F9DB9 1px solid; HEIGHT: 16px; text-valign: middle" value="<%=request("answer2")%>lineage2" size="20"> <%=answer2_err%>
<td height="30" width="145"><div align="right"><font color="#5A595A"> <font color="#5a595a">Security
Text </font></font></div></td>
<td height="30" colspan="2" width="285">
<input name=email type="text" style="BORDER-RIGHT: #7F9DB9 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #7F9DB9 1px solid; FONT-SIZE: 12px; BACKGROUND: #ffffff; BORDER-LEFT: #7F9DB9 1px solid; WIDTH: 150px; BORDER-BOTTOM: #7F9DB9 1px solid; HEIGHT: 16px; text-valign: middle" size="30" maxlength="30" value="<%=request("email")%>lineage2"> <%=email_err%></td>
<TD width="145"><BR>
<TD class=aa01 width="210">
<DIV align=left><A
href="javascript:next()"><IMG id=Image1
height=19 src="images/input_next_img.gif"
width=60 border=0 name=Image1></A></DIV></TD>
class=aa01 width="73"> </TD>
end sub
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Dear players, We are excited to announce the open beta testing of the Airin x2 server. Start: March 14, 2025, at 18:00 (GMT +1) server time. An NPC will be available on the test server, where you can acquire items, level up, choose a profession, and more. All character progress (EXP/Items) may be wiped at any time and will not transfer to the live Airin server.
OBT is expected to last until March 17, 20:00 server time. We are also working on a client with multiple language options and a proxy solution to improve the gaming experience for players worldwide and ensure a more stable connection. Download links and account registration will be available later. Stay tuned for updates!
When you click to create the account simply nothing happens, but if I access the site directly from the server the account is usually created by the site.
Can someone explain to me how to configure this file so that the iis 7 create accounts?
code: conn.asp
code: register.asp
0 answers to this question
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